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monsterfurby May 23rd, 2020 02:45 PM

Custom Weapons?
I may just be blind, but looking for a way to create a custom weapon (other than via "Magic Melee Weapon", which still requires a base weapon to be present), I have so far been unable to find anything. Am I missing something or is this truly not (yet, I hope) implemented?

I'd appreciate any pointers!

CapedCrusader May 24th, 2020 04:24 AM

You'll need to use the Editor from the Tools menu and create a Setting file and go the the Hand Weapon tab and add it there. It's done this way to keep items from different Settings separate. You can give it a Source to match whatever game you're playing, then you can turn it on and off using the Configure Hero window.

zarlor May 24th, 2020 04:33 AM

That would still be really useful to have a "Custom Weapon" option available from within Hero Lab itself, though. Pretty sure I mentioned this before, but maybe not. In any case there are a lot of users of the program that are intimidated by trying to use the Editor and where .user files go and all of that and just being able to create simple things like custom weapons on the fly within the character itself would be really handy, I would think. It's already available for Skills and Edges, for example, so something like that for weapons and other things would definitely be nice to have.

CapedCrusader May 24th, 2020 01:13 PM

The problem with that idea is that there is no capability to edit a weapon's specifications in the Hero Lab main interface. It's quite a bit different from an improvised weapon or a custom Skill.

zarlor May 25th, 2020 04:03 AM

Doesn't stop us from wanting it, though. ;)

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