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GregDC May 4th, 2019 05:17 PM

XP and Level Up problem
I just started using Hero's Lab for the development of a PC. I have a Rogue that I have been playing for a while that I entered in. I entered the basic Lv 1 data, then started putting in the 12 campaigns that he has been involved in. This gives me 12 XP. I had expected to see the Level on the Classes tab to reflect the new level. However, it still says Lv 1.

Turns out that I must have set something wrong because it is looking for 2,000 XP for the next level. I can not find how to correct this error.

Could someone please point me in the right direction? I really do not want to reenter those campaigns again.


Dami May 5th, 2019 11:25 PM

You have standard XP advancement for your Hero as default. You sound like you have PF Society Organised Play - so you will need to select this different level advancement/XP progression in the Configure Hero screen. (Cntrl-K)

GregDC May 7th, 2019 05:08 PM

That was the problem. It took me a little bit to find the switch :) however.

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