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dartnet December 16th, 2013 05:50 PM

Hero Lab Savage Setting Index
Official (In the downloader)
50 Fathoms - Zarlor
Deadlands: Hell On Earth - Zarlor (Updated 12/16/2014)
Deadlands: Noir - Zarlor
Deadlands: Reloaded - CapedCrusader
East Texas University - Zarlor
Flash Gordon - CapedCrusader
Gaslight - CapedCrusader
High Space - JBearWillis
Interface Zero 2.0 - CapedCrusader
Necessary Evil (requires Super Powers Companion) - Zarlor
Pirates of the Spanish Main - Zarlor
Rippers - dartnet (updated 07/24/2014)
Slipstream - CapedCrusader
Solomon Kane - CapedCrusader
Space 1889 - Zarlor
Tour of Darkness - Zarlor
Weird War II - Zarlor
Weird Wars: Rome - Zarlor

Coming Soon Done but not yet on downloder. (in expected order of release, which is subject to change)
Evernight - Zarlor
Achtung! Cthulhu - Endtransmission
Shaintar - dartnet (Updated 05/31/15)
Widening Gyre - dartnet
Battle for Oz - dartnet (Updated 12/12/14)
Karthador - dartnet
Achtung! Cthulhu - Endtransmission

Coming Soon Still being created.

Deadlands Reloaded (major update including adding The Flood and Lost Sons sources) - CapedCrusader

Unofficial Files - Active (PM the data file author listed to get a copy.)
Accursed - dartnet (Updated 12/12/14)
Agents of Oblivion - dartnet (Updated 12/12/14)
Rippers Reloaded - dartnet (updated 7/26/2017)
The Last Parsec - datnet
6th Gun - dartnet
The Day After Ragnarok - dartnet
Hellfrost – CapedCrusader
Kaiser's Gate - dartnet (Updated 12/13/14)
Kerberos Club - dartnet (updated 1/5/14)
Mars - dartnet (Updated 12/12/14)
Necropolis - zarlor
Broken Earth - Paragon
Ravaged Earth: 2nd Edition - dartnet
Realms of Cthulhu – tatteredking
Runepunk – Tatteredking*95% complete (Works with latest patch)
Sundered Skies – tatteredking
Thrilling Tales - darnet

Fan Conversions
Star Wars - CapedCrusader
Firefly - dartnet
Judge Dredd - JBearWillis
Left 4 Dead – TehBagder
Runequest - Manalishi66 (New)
Star Frontiers - Manalishi66 (New)
TORG - dartnet

Coming Soon

Inactive (Presumed if DataFile Author has not logged in for over 6 months)
Beasts and Barbarians - richkz
Day after Ragnarok – Praetor
Gaslight - Gumbytie
Low Life – CliffR
Savage Mass Effect – Praetor

dartnet December 16th, 2013 05:51 PM

Looking to get involved?
Want to help out and make a fan data file but don't know what one to do?
Here is an (incomplete) list of Settings that have not been done, are not being worked on (as far as I know), or are inactive.
To make a file official (to have it be added to the downloader) you'll have to contact the publisher and they will have to give LW permission to add it to the downloder.

War of the Dead
Iron Dynasty
All for One: Régime Diabolique
Streets of Bedlam
Low Life
Temporal Probability Agency
Totems of the Dead
Strike Force 7
Wonderland No More
Mercenary Breed
Wellstone City
Faith & Demons: The Rising
Judgment Day
Steamscapes: North America
Broken Earth

dartnet December 16th, 2013 05:52 PM

OK if you have a setting to add post it here.

So far we got 12 official setting, 11 unofficial settings, and 3 inactive settings, 23 total settings that you can get now. With 9 more on the way!

zarlor December 16th, 2013 06:31 PM

I 2nd the vote for stickying as a replacement for the Where You Can Find User Greated Files for Certain Settings thread.

Dartnet, you may also want to include a note in the first post that for unofficial data files folks should just PM the data file author listed to get a copy.

dartnet December 22nd, 2013 07:39 AM

Updated a bit and add the fact I finished my TORG fan file. :)

jbearwillis December 22nd, 2013 11:40 AM

You are the man, dartnet, I loved Torg back in the day and was going to start to try and do the savage worlds one, but you already did it. Way to go.

dartnet December 25th, 2013 08:59 AM

Agents of Oblivion updated!

zarlor December 30th, 2013 09:52 AM

I would add that for some of the "Coming Soon" ones, at least for the ones I've done, you can also send me a PM to get the unofficial, unreviewed versions of those files. Certainly there will be some updates between the ones I have and the officially released ones (because there is always something I've missed or could improve) but at least you can get any of my files before then if anyone really needs them.

dartnet December 31st, 2013 09:58 PM

OK added a list of settings that are not getting HL love at the moment. If you have done a Data File for one of them or are working on one post it and I will add you to the list.


dartnet January 4th, 2014 02:39 PM

Had a request for a new The Day After Ragnarok file, added it to the coming soon list.

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