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Shayd3000 September 24th, 2010 04:02 AM

Guantlet/Spiked Gauntlet Weight
It has been suggested to me by one of my players that if armor has gauntlets and the character wears spiked gauntlets, the weight of the spiked gauntlets should not be fully counted against them, since the gauntlets are counted as part of the armor's weight.

I'm not entirely convinced as these could be an extra pair - however they could also be the armor's inherent gauntlets with spikes added. So, I see both sides of the argument.

It's interesting how HL catches stuff that we would normally never even bother to look for or think about (that we probably should be).

Thoughts? Is this something that could be implemented in HL?


TemporalVengeance September 24th, 2010 04:10 AM

There's an option to add spikes onto the armor and it also addes damage from the spikes to your weapons list. have you tried that?

Shayd3000 September 24th, 2010 08:31 AM

I will look at that. I'm not sure it's quite the same thing.

Mathias September 24th, 2010 08:46 AM

Yes, there should be a way to make the gauntlets that come with armor into spiked gauntlets/locked gauntlets (and this choice should be available for each of the hands the armor has (see the Xill race)). I've added it to my to-do list.

In the meantime, the workaround is to use the Encumbrance adjustment to subtract the weight of the spiked gauntlet from the character, since that weight has already been accounted for as part of the armor.

Shayd3000 September 24th, 2010 08:54 AM

Thanks for adding to your "to do" list. The adjustment approach was what I was considering doing.

It's interesting - I bought HL about 3 years ago (maybe 2?) at ORIGINS because at that time you were exploring the possibility of allowing folks to put custom games in so I bought it from you guys on the spot. It then sat on my bookshelf all this time, still in the shrink, until my group started looking at Pathfinder not too long ago. Now, I'm addicted to the program and wondering why the %$&# I never opened it up to begin with (except that we were playing Torg, then Rolemaster may have had something to do with it). I now own all the PF add ons and since I run a Savage Worlds game every year at ORIGINS (except 2010 - I had to miss for personal reasons) I'm going to buy that module and use it for my character sheets (though I'm going to have to learn to add gear because I need to make a lot of it for my game) because HL is just way easier to use and the printed sheets just look so much better than Meta Creator!

Will probably replace my Meta Creator CoC with HL too! Too bad you guys aren't doing GURPS!

Thanks again!


Mathias September 24th, 2010 09:02 AM

The Authoring Kit is available, and we're happy to help you through the process, if you want to take a stab at Torg. It's the same game system in HL as Savage Worlds, so you're already planning to buy it.

morev007 November 19th, 2017 10:58 PM

As I see, there is the same problem like it was 7 years ago. I can't count spiked/locked gauntlets weight correctly without encumbrance adjustment. Do I miss some tool to do it?

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