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Well-known member
I'm getting ready to get a Stardrive campaign going soon and I was fiddling around to see what I will need to still do by hand and what I can do with the work you've done. The perks and flaws are easy enough to do by hand for the time being. I'm not even sure I'm going to use them right now. I was wondering about the skill cost of cybernetics. I didn't see the 10 point skill point cost for being able to use them. Is there a way to account for that?
Good point. No there isn't at this point. I keep going back and forth on cybernetics and how to account for them. I haven't come up with a good way of implementing them. However, you could just add it as a Perk with a 10 point cost.
I didn't even think about that. In fact I didn't realize that you had implemented the point costs for the perks and flaws yet. Now I see that you have. Thanks for the tip.