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Bishop37 March 12th, 2007 11:25 AM

Bug Reports - Version 3.14
I was playing around with the updated data sets last night and I noticed that the Handy Haversack magic item was not treated as a container. I did not check to see if any of the other container magic items were affected (Bags of Holding, whatever the SRD version of the Quiver of Ehlonna is called), but I suspect they may be non-functional as well.


rob March 12th, 2007 01:14 PM

Error (1.0i): Handy Haversack not a container
At 12:25 PM 3/12/2007, you wrote:

I was playing around with the updated data sets last night and I noticed that the Handy Haversack magic item was not treated as a container. I did not check to see if any of the other container magic items were affected (Bags of Holding, whatever the SRD version of the Quiver of Ehlonna is called), but I suspect they may be non-functional as well.
Bags of Holding are definitely working, complete with the contents weight not being propagated upwards. However, it appears that the Handy Haversack and Efficient Quiver were overlooked as containers. That's easily fixed, so we'll get it sorted out for the next update, which is targeted for the end of this week.

Thanks for flagging these oversights to us!!!


Mathias June 16th, 2010 03:35 PM

Bug reports - Version 3.8
(a thread to collect all the bug reports for the 3.8 version of the d20 files, released June 16th, 2010)

TCArknight June 20th, 2010 03:36 PM

Spirited Charge - unique key is 'f'

Mathias June 21st, 2010 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by TCArknight (Post 40139)
Spirited Charge - unique key is 'f'

This is an error that can't be fixed without wrecking any character who's taken spirited charge.

Lawful_g June 24th, 2010 11:32 PM

The race Fiendish Dire Rat is not granting Darkvision but it should.

DthShdw June 30th, 2010 01:28 PM

The Optional rule setting for Free Upbringing Feat doesn't seem to actually be doing anything. Possibility: The script is counting a race given or class given bonus feat as the upbringing feat by mistake?

Mathias June 30th, 2010 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by DthShdw (Post 40633)
The Optional rule setting for Free Upbringing Feat doesn't seem to actually be doing anything. Possibility: The script is counting a race given or class given bonus feat as the upbringing feat by mistake?

The only feats marked as upbringing feats are within the Rise of the Runelords adventure path - they were presented in the player's guide for that adventure path.

The rule DOES NOT give everyone a free feat.

DthShdw June 30th, 2010 07:56 PM

Ah, okay. Not familiar with the Pathfinder Adventure Paths. My current gaming group does occasionally use the concept of an 'upbringing feat' depending on the campaign being played.

Thanks for the info though, I'll have to do a bit more research on that. :)

Sendric July 28th, 2010 06:46 AM

When creating a character using the Psionic Fist prestige class, I am unable to select new Powers. When I click on the link to add powers, I receive the message "Nothing to choose from!"

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