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ebpatton December 11th, 2014 08:07 AM

Weapon Focus for cleric with deity's favored weapon?
I want to give clerics weapon focus with their deity's favored weapon, but not give them WF if they have no deity. I'm trying to add this using an archetype (thinking this was best).

How do I do this?

Aaron December 11th, 2014 08:13 AM

Step one, bootstrap weapon focus with a bootstrap condition and a Custom tag to mark which feat (if there happen to be multiple weapon focus feats) you need to target later.

Step two, create an eval script which finds the deity selection for this hero. If it finds one, have it do whatever is necessary to fulfill the feat's bootstrap condition. Also have it pull the WepProf tag from the deity and change it into a Target tag.

Step three, create another eval script to find the feat you bootstrapped (using the custom tag you bootstrapped it with to target) and push the Target tag to that.

ebpatton December 11th, 2014 08:15 AM

How do I do that?

ebpatton December 11th, 2014 08:15 AM

I know how to add the feat, but after that I'm not sure.

Aaron December 11th, 2014 09:11 AM

You create Custom tags through the "User Tags" button at the bottom of the central column of the editor. Click that, then New Tag, then for the unique ID something like "DeiWeapFoc". Save and test now. Then click on the bootstrap button in the upper right, find the bootstrap for the feat, click the "tags" button and add the tag. The Group ID is "Custom" and the Tag ID is "DeiWeapFoc" (or whatever you decided).

While you're still looking at the bootstrap, you can also click on the Condition button to set up your bootstrap condition. I'm assuming this is on some race or class ability, so it should have an abValue field we can use for the condition. Click the button, for phase choose First and for priority choose 500. In the box for the expression you can put "fieldval:abValue = 1". That means "We are satisfied and should add this bootstrap when the abValue field of the bootstrapping thing is 1".

Save and close until you're back to the main window. Now we're going to add the first eval script, the one which fulfills the condition and pulls the target tag. Remember that this needs to take place before the First 500 timing we set on the condition.

First 400

~ Use findchild to find a deity on this hero and set the focus to it. We don't need anything more than the component because there is never going to be more than one deity present on a hero at any one time.
perform hero.findchild[Deity].setfocus

~ If we didn't find a deity, then we have no focus and should do nothing further.
doneif (state.isfocus = 0)

~ If we got this far, we have a deity, so fulfill our bootstrap condition
field[abValue].value = 1

~ Use the focus previously established and pulltags to transform the WepProf tag on the deity (representative of their favored weapon) into a Target tag on us.
perform focus.pulltags[WepProf.?,Target]

Now the second eval script does need to occur before the Weapon Focus feat does its thing, but doesn't need to be quite as early

First 10000

~ Find the copy of Weapon focus we marked with a custom tag and set it to be the focus of this script.
perform hero.findchild[BaseFeat,"Custom.DeiWeapFoc"].setfocus

~ If, for some reason, that feat isn't found then do nothing further
doneif (state.isfocus = 0)

~ Push the Target tag we got last eval script from ourselves to the focus
perform focus.pushtags[Target.?]

Usual disclaimer, code not tested, tweak as necessary. Hope that was informative!

ebpatton December 11th, 2014 09:12 AM

Thank you. I'll look at it, but probably not until the weekend. It should help greatly.

ebpatton December 12th, 2014 12:46 AM

It doesn't seem to be working for me. I added the user tag. Then I went to Tags and added it there. Then I went to Bootstraps for the feat fWepFoc I added the First 500 Condition fieldval:abValue = 1. Then I added the two Eval Scripts.

I thought maybe it wasn't working since clerics don't actually qualify for WF at 1st level, so I added a second cleric level. Then I thought maybe it was just doing it behind the scenes but not explicitly adding the feat, so I equipped the character with the appropriate weapon to check the attack modifier, but it was unchanged. :/

ebpatton December 12th, 2014 01:40 AM

Is it possible to make a copy of the weapon focus feat and use it somehow? Not that that's my preferred solution; I don't care. I'm just wondering. I'm playing around with it, but I don't seem to able to make it work. I know how to add feats to the archetype. For example, I give clerics heavy armor proficiency for free. That's easy, since I just add the feat and there's no checking of any kind required. I could just give clerics WF, but I don't want to; I want them to have to have a deity to get it, and only with the deity's favored weapon.

ebpatton December 12th, 2014 02:32 AM

I've decided to do something different. I'm just going to give them the feat and require they have a deity if they want to take this archetype, since it's my game. However, I would like to disable the error message about them not meeting the prerequisite for the feat (since at 1st level, a cleric's BAB isn't high enough to take Weapon Focus). I want Hero Lab to ignore this error, ignore the prereq for the feat. How do I do that?

ebpatton December 12th, 2014 02:41 AM

Never mind. I just made new feats and blew away the prereqs. I think what I have will work. Thank you very much though.

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