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"Add New Flaw" Results in "Nothing to choose from!"


I have a portfolio that has 2 characters in it. Both characters have the “Use Traits & Flaws” checked in the “Configure Your Hero” area. One of the characters “Lenny” I was able to add new flaws without issue. The other character “Godfrey” just gives an error message, “Nothing to choose from!”, when I select the “Add New Flaw” in the “Feats” tab. Any ideas why this would work for Lenny and not Godfrey?
Unless you've created any flaws yourself, using the Flaws tab in the editor, we only offer one book that has any flaws in it - "Open Content from Unearthed Arcana" in the "Prior SRD Content" section.
In other words, there may not be any flaws applicable to that character. Also, make sure Unearthed Arcana is checked on in your configure hero window (it can be different for characters even if they are in the same portfolio).