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Duggan October 20th, 2010 11:49 AM

Odd error in validation
2 Attachment(s)
This is probably a one-time thing, but I figured I'd mention it. I was working on some characters in the Magical Girl Hunters game I'm running and I'd added the Giant Squid from ProdigyDuck's animal builds posted on the YahooGroup. It had two validation errors. First, it used the older version of adding Extra:Duration and then Flaw:Permanent, for which I removed the Extra:Duration. Secondly, it had a "jet" power which was an AP that was a Swim power with Flaw: Action to Full Action which HeroLab flags as a violation since it's a Movement power which has a duration other than Move. Long story short, I saved that portfolio, switched to my Golden Age portfolio, made a change in it, deleted the change, then switched to the Foes of Freedom portfolio (it didn't ask me to save, presumably because I'd deleted the added power), did some work there, and then clicked on the Validation icon at the lower-left to check on some issues with my Luna Moth build. I immediately noticed that it was displaying the Validation results for the Giant Squid!

FWIW, the Golden Age portfolio had a validation error involving too many points spent, but I hadn't clicked on the icon. If I can find a way to replicate this, I'll post more, but just thought I'd mention it with screenshot and portfolios involved.

JDRook October 20th, 2010 04:08 PM

I remember keying that one in and posting it. The squid and the octopus both had that issue. That was all done with an early version of HeroLab, and probably even before I got the UP add-on - I think 2.2 something, it should be in the notes I included with the file.

Those errors had always been there but the point of the exercise was to stick to PDuck's interpretation and let individual users make the changes they needed, since unltimately it was meant to save you the time it would take to make each animal from scratch.

Woodclaw October 20th, 2010 11:03 PM

I have the same issue with all the movement power you can't change duration, while UP specificly states that you can't reduce the action below a move action, it says that it can be increased, in these cases the power became less useful since you can't doi accelerated movement or all.out movement with it.

Duggan October 21st, 2010 09:25 AM

:) Your build is fine. I'm just commenting on a quirk of Hero Lab where it apparently shows the last validation error, even after switching to another Portfolio which has its own validation errors. Clicking on the profile in question, Luna Moth, displayed the correct ones, but I figured I would forward on the error.

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