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knthrak January 26th, 2007 05:25 PM

BBB1.5 data file updates
I updated my ab files for both ab2 and ab3 and discovered that there hadn't been any news or updates here for a while. So i've made a website with the files for download web.aanet.com.au/metaphore/bfg.html and i'll keep updating them until I get hold of the original authors and find out whether they're going to keep updating or not.

knthrak February 3rd, 2007 03:33 PM

New updates are available http://web.aanet.com.au/metaphore/bfg.html

deathlynx February 9th, 2007 04:40 PM

I'd handed off the BFG file quite a while ago...unfortunately the person I handed them to ended up disappearing...When we tried to get the files transfered to new ownership the missing author made things confusing...You should try to talk to Colin about passing it over to you...I'm certainly in favor (as the original 3.0 author)...

knthrak February 15th, 2007 03:12 PM

OK, first question being who is Colin?

Just to let everyone know there is a new update: Fleet validation works, a few more point cost changes, and repulsives now have the weapons upgrade.

Updates are a bit slow i'm afraid as i'm also doing EA and Aero Imp at the same time.

Mathias February 17th, 2007 02:45 PM

I'm also in the process of making Aeronautica Imperialis files

knthrak May 9th, 2007 09:43 PM

No doubt by now you have noticed that updates have been slow recently and i've missed my deadlines. Truth be told, my heart isn't really in it at the moment. It's now 4 months since I was ripped off by Dropzone on a large BFG order and i still haven't got my money back. However I promised I'll have an update in a week or so. For AB2 as well.

Remember, always by direct from GW, don't trust online stores promising a lot of discounts.

If you are curious, I ordered:
1 Emperor BS
BFG Box set *2
Idolator Class Raiders *2 blisters
Firestorm Frigates *2 Blisters
And postage from the US to Australia!

Since i've had some employment issues since then I cannot afford to reorder it all.

Warmonger May 11th, 2007 06:25 AM

Actually deathlynx, I'm the one you passed the files on to, and I never disappeared while working on the files. Hakujin was the one that took over from me, and has hit a good bit of life for a while that has prevented him from working on the BFG files, or the portion of the Warhammer 40k files that he was working on.

Of course since the 40k group is a team, others stepped up to cover his absence, where there wasn't a team for this set.

knthrak May 30th, 2007 06:39 PM

New update for you all, nice shiny Tau Kor'or'vesh fixes. I've emailed Colin and hopefully the files will appear in the ab updater before long!

ken_printz August 9th, 2007 07:26 AM

Don't know if anyone is aware of this, so, sorry if you already know.

standard Tau fleet list, there are some problems with Orca's. The only place I see Orca's is on the option list of any ship with Gravatic Hooks, but if you click on it, you get an error that the ships cannot be combined in the same squadron. Perhaps they should be pulled out and made there own listing? And, they do not have a point cost.

Another thing I found, the Dal'yth variant of the merchant cruiser has the option of upgrading to a 6 hit vessel in the rules for an additional 15 pts. Didn't find that option in the data file.

Lastly, the Kor'or'vesh optional fleet, is allowed to mix in ships from the standard fleet, as long as the point total for the standard ships used is less than the point total of the Kor'or'vesh.

Hope this helps

knthrak August 12th, 2007 03:25 PM

Thanks. There's still a fair few bugs in a lot of the lists. I'll be working on bugfixes again as soon as I have the ad mech list right.

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