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wolfbook22 May 7th, 2019 05:15 PM

Dragon wing weapons
I am in a campaign where my character is a dragon, and I was given a pair of non-magical wingtip weapons.

My wing attacks normally deal 1d6+3 damage, and equipping the wingtips increases that to 1d8+3.

At first, I just added a generic custom gear slot and added a damage adjustment, but I would like to turn it into a single item I can equip and unequip from the Play tab on mobile, like a bow or sword for most characters.

For making this new custom weapon, are there any weapons in Hero Lab like this already? Or any tips on where to start with this?

Sarelth May 11th, 2019 09:38 AM

The is the Talon Claws in RGG's Races of Wind and Wing. The are for claws of course, but similar idea.

The Advanced Race Guide has Kobold tail weapons and the Tailblade. For tail weapon selection.

Similar ideas, but not exactly what you might want.

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