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Dragnmoon January 31st, 2011 05:21 PM

Pathfinder Bug Reports - Version 6.7
All the Metamagic, Elemental Greater rods are listed at the wrong price, they are listed at 3000 gp they should be 24,500 gp

Edit: It seems all the Metamagic rod from APG have the same problem.

doctadud February 20th, 2011 10:06 AM

Pathfinder Bug Reports - Version 6.7
I noticed that i am still getting wild shape at level 4 in many of the alt class features from Druid. the Urban Druid should not get this until level 8 and the shamans should not get it until level 6. once the shamans get wild shape. it would act as if they were level 4 with all but their totem animal."beast shape I, SM or MED, 1/day" the totem animal would work as if level 8. "beast shape III, Huge-Dim, 3/day"

any would guess that turning into a non totem animal would use one of the totem animal forms and not all of them.

Totem Transformation is making me pick one bonus that i will get every time i use it. It seems to me i should be able to choose from the list of bonuses each time i activate the ability. How else could an Eagle Shaman take movement at level 5 if they are already locked to senses for example.

jbearwillis February 27th, 2011 10:25 AM

I was wondering if any one gave an answer to this or it is a bug that will be fixed. Sorry if this question was answered already. Thanks for the reply.

Matt Droz April 30th, 2011 02:09 PM

Pathfinder Bug Reports - Version 5.4
So, found this little bit of errata. HL is showing the Glibness spell as giving a +30 to Bluff checks, when the Rulebook states a +20. I and my GM had thought that it was errata'ed out by Pathfinder, but couldn't find any updates that changed it to +30, so the book must be correct.

shieldknight April 30th, 2011 06:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Have a shielded fighter who is coming up with -1 Base Attack at 1st level. What do I need to submit to get this corrected/looked at?

Never mind. He has a tower shield and it is decreasing the base attack. Threw me off.

hooly May 1st, 2011 04:19 AM

Whilst playing last night we realised that the summoner has a BAB at Fighter progression. Any chance of a quick fix for that one?

Maidhc O Casain May 1st, 2011 06:12 AM

Not a bug so much as an oversight?

In the editor, the Bonus Feat section on the Archetypes tab is missing the "Bonus Feats Ignore Pre-Requisites?" check box.

ShadowChemosh May 1st, 2011 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by Stormrazor2000 (Post 55416)
Red Mantis Assassin - Special Ability at level 1 - sabre fighting 1 should grant weapon specialization(sawtooth sabre) feat, but it doesn't. The special ability text says it does, but the feat does not show up, nor does it modify weapon damage like it should.

Just thought I would add that this appears to be only not be working for magical sawtooths. Normal sawtooths work correctly.

ShadowChemosh May 1st, 2011 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by hooly (Post 55434)
Whilst playing last night we realised that the summoner has a BAB at Fighter progression. Any chance of a quick fix for that one?

Your race would not happen to be small would it? As what HL shows all over is NOT the BAB but the "Attack Bonus" which includes things like size. I know its a bit confusing at first. :)

slaaneshgod May 1st, 2011 11:50 PM

not sure whether this is a bug or tech issue but for some reason i cant pick switchblade weapon specialization or focus or proficency under the selection bars. ive tried simple, martial, and exotic and cant get it. should be martial I belive.

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