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Protowolf March 15th, 2013 03:59 PM

Chaos Daemons Roster Update
Now that the entire Codex has been updated for the Chaos Daemons will the Roster updates take effect for the Army Builder program also, and if so when. Thank you.

morkalg March 21st, 2013 09:02 PM

I believe there is a one month wait from when the Codex is released before the Army Builder files are updated.

I'm waiting on it too...

jlong05 March 22nd, 2013 06:38 AM

Simple to answer. When it's done. Not sooner, not later.

darkvector April 1st, 2013 12:39 AM

So why the hostility to the simple question i know that its all there written down as to when and how long and that the poster should have knowen but hey its probably a youngster.
Im sure the poster was only asking in good faith and didnt need to recive the rant on taking your money. Im sure you could have made a seperate post about it to vent your own fury on it. Lets Face it if even one company goes bust then the hobby dies the death of a thousand cuts lets hope Gw see the error of their greed, hell i hate paying double what the rest of the world does for my hobby but i still love it.....

Mr_Rose April 1st, 2013 01:20 PM

What "hostility" and what "rant" are you talking about?

Just making up stuff then accusing people of it is bad form, y'know?

darkvector April 1st, 2013 03:53 PM

The tersly worded reply to the first poster and the rant about Gw ie the only thing gw is intrested in is your money. If you cant see the negativity in both then you should take a second look. Im not a Gw lover but no need to see that as a catchphrase. My take is if even one more games company goes under then there is less base for people that use this software or any other addon and your basicly going to cut your own throats if you let it go. Sure he has a right to his opinion but i allso have a right not to see it. But of course this is all acdemic if you cant see how poorly the reply was!!! in the first place,it could have been We havent finished the files yet and i dont have an eta please keep checking and not the sarcastic tone impled .

Spack April 2nd, 2013 09:41 PM

There is no "rant" in jlong's reply - that's on *ALL* of his posts as it's his signature! It wasn't aimed at the original poster as you have stated. You might want to spend a bit more time on the internet and learn how things work before you start running around accusing people of anything.

darkvector April 2nd, 2013 10:09 PM

I know its his signature and thats the main problem you cant be having a moderator with that as his sig. You tend to try and belittle people with your replys in no way have i been abusive or irate on this but looks like you dont want anything said against you . Well thanks for the replys i know now not to say anything on here if i expect a reasoned reply, and with that i will end my views on this but just saying that Gw would have a field day with you leagaly if they choose to. Good day to you all.

edavi830 April 4th, 2013 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by jlong05 (Post 151320)
Simple to answer. When it's done. Not sooner, not later.

This was terrible customer service, your tone here was not warranted. We do pay money, every year, to use this product. Do not make the mistake of making it seem like the only think YOU are interested in is lining your own pockets with OUR money. For you to have a quote that says what it does makes you seem hippocritical when you provide aweful customer service to a very innocent question. Being a nice doesn't take any more work than being a jerk. All i'm gonna say.

Spack April 5th, 2013 09:12 AM

What makes you think jlong is a moderator? He's not part of Lone Wolf. A few of us are "Senior Members" because we've been here a long time, and in the case of jlong any myself are part of the AB40k team. We are not affiliated with LW in any way. We don't get paid, we make no money from our involvement, it's purely voluntary - if GW disappears then yes, we'd lose a big part of "the hobby", but it's hardly "cutting our own throats" - no GW, no 40k, no files, and the maintainers to have a break and no longer get constantly hassled by people who want file updates yesterday, or think they're entitled to make demands of us (or any other team/person that creates files for AB). I personally use own money to pay for hosting the AB40k.org website and making it available for the maintainers to use as a central place to discuss issues and keep track of bugs. I'll be better off financially if GW disappears!

At the end of the day anyone who has paid for AB has paid for a tool that they can use to create their own files for any game system, if you want to use files created by someone else there should be some respect given to those people as they've spent their own time working on them for the benefit of others. Members of the 40k team, and I would assume teams of other file groups, have quit in the past partly due to the hassle from ungrateful users who have no idea how much work goes into the creation, testing, and fixing files for games systems on an ongoing basis.

There was nothing hostile about jlong's reply. I've read it multiple times, not only here but elsewhere - it's a simple statement of fact, and can also be found in one of the sticky topics right here in the 40k forum. I don't see Protowolf complaining - you're the only one who has decided to take exception to it.

And as to GW "having a field day", even their legal team would not be stupid enough to go after 1 person over a single line in a forum signature that is his personal opinion and is fully entitled to it - GW doesn't get to dictate international law over censureship and/or censorship. If rather than referring to jlong's signature you're referring to Lone Wolf and Army Builder itself, you can read all about their history with GW right here on the forum and you'll realise that GW have "been there, done that, lost the plot" before, and Army Builder is still alive and kicking.

Is this reply reasoned enough for you? At the end of the day it's almost impossible to confer emotion or intent in a post on a forum on the internet, so try not to read too much into anything that is written. Take my own replies and treat them with a pinch of salt and move on, it's no skin off my nose if you think I'm an arrogant self-centred **** - in fact I kind of like that, it's better than being the monotone, boring geek/nerd that I am in real life :P (<- see that, it's a tongue-in-cheek smiley; the nearest thing I could find to convey how the content of my posts should be taken by anyone reading them)


Originally Posted by edavi830 (Post 152626)
This was terrible customer service, your tone here was not warranted. We do pay money, every year, to use this product. Do not make the mistake of making it seem like the only think YOU are interested in is lining your own pockets with OUR money. For you to have a quote that says what it does makes you seem hippocritical when you provide aweful customer service to a very innocent question. Being a nice doesn't take any more work than being a jerk. All i'm gonna say.

And to reiterate the above, jlong05 does not work for LW - he gets no money from LW, or anyone else, for being part of the AB40k team. Don't make the mistake of confusing a user of LW's products who also happen to be an unpaid volunteer who works on the AB40k file as lining his pocket's with anyone's money, let alone yours. And you've also taken a simple statement of fact and read way more into it than is written. Next time you want to go accusing someone of something check your facts first. And before you go off half-cocked at me I'm also not part of LW. The simple fact is that you've paid money to LW to purchase a license to use Army Builder, and that entitles you to support from them and you have the tools to create your own files for any game system you choose. If you're going to use the files created by volunteers then please show them the respect they deserve; they're saving you a lot of time and expense by doing all the work for you!

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