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Edix June 27th, 2007 03:14 AM

AB 2.2 Def file

Edix June 27th, 2007 04:30 AM


Edix June 28th, 2007 08:31 AM

err, Am I being ignored?

Am I suppose to post some place else?

Mathias June 28th, 2007 09:37 AM

I'm afraid I haven't worked with AB2 for many years - I no longer remember how to do that sort of thing. Rob (of Lone Wolf) would still know, but he and Colen published an update to HeroLab just yesterday, so I'd guess they were working until midnight.

rob June 28th, 2007 03:09 PM

AB 2.2 Def file
First of all, getting snippy after a mere 24 hours is pretty ridiculous. You're posting a question about a product release that has been discontinued for well over two years and that virtually no one still writes data files for. So you're obviously not going to get lots of people responding to your question.

The reason that everyone switched over to using AB3 is because writing data files for it is VASTLY easier than it was for AB2. You're discovering that for yourself. So my first question has to be why are you trying to use AB2 for something that can be accomplished much more easily with AB3?

We're scrambling to get everything ready for when we leave for Origins in a few days. Going through all of the old AB2 stuff will require a significant amount of time that I just don't have right now. Official support for AB2 ended two years after the release of AB3, which has long passed. So, while I would like to help you with this, it's just not feasible right now.

Here's what I recommend you do. Start with the sample definition file provided with AB2. Instead of making all of your changes at once, apply them incrementally and verify that the file is usable within ABCreator after each iteration. This will ensure that you know exactly what changed to cause things to fail, at which point you can undo those few changes and make adjustments. It's probable that somewhere within ABCreator there is an assumption that you'll always have at least one of something, but I don't know that for certain and I don't know what it is. Heck, the problem could even be lurking someplace where you think everything is correct. The incremental approach will let you identify this easily so that you can make the necessary adjustment and/or include a dummy entry if needed.

Hope this helps,

Edix June 29th, 2007 05:46 AM


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