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-   -   NEW: Which games should Hero Lab support? (N-Z) (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=9080)

Colen August 24th, 2009 12:51 PM

NEW: Which games should Hero Lab support? (N-Z)
Since Hero Lab was released, we've added support for a number of much-requested games. Now it's time for another poll - which game do you think should be added next?

The poll here lists 10 games, whose names begin N-Z, that you can vote for. Please vote for all the games you would like to use Hero Lab with - if you want to vote for more than one, vote for as many as you want!

Games with names beginning A-M can be found here:


Please check this list as well, and vote for the games you'd like to see!

DMG August 24th, 2009 02:29 PM

I've put in my votes for Hunter & Mage...

Guess which games I play... :)

Now there's a thought...Werewolf isn't on the list. Does that mean it's next after Changeling?

texaspoet August 25th, 2009 09:50 AM

Wild Talents 2! and REIGN!

Alric August 25th, 2009 09:17 PM

How about systems that aren't on the list? Perhaps a list of systems you won't be doing so we can stop bugging you about them.

I would like to see


Traveller (Standard, Judge Dredd, Hammer's Slammers, Strontium Dogs, etc)
Runquest (Standard, Elric, Hawkmoon, Lahnkmar, Slaine, etc)

rob August 26th, 2009 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by DMG (Post 32324)
I've put in my votes for Hunter & Mage...

Guess which games I play... :)

Now there's a thought...Werewolf isn't on the list. Does that mean it's next after Changeling?

From talking to White Wolf, they have indicated that they want us to do at least one of Mage, Hunter, or Geist before doing Werewolf. So this poll omits Werewolf because it won't be next. :-(

rob August 26th, 2009 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by texaspoet (Post 32372)
Wild Talents 2! and REIGN!

I'm not familiar with these two games. Who publishes them? Where can I find out more?

rob August 26th, 2009 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by Alric (Post 32390)
How about systems that aren't on the list? Perhaps a list of systems you won't be doing so we can stop bugging you about them.

I would like to see


Traveller (Standard, Judge Dredd, Hammer's Slammers, Strontium Dogs, etc)
Runquest (Standard, Elric, Hawkmoon, Lahnkmar, Slaine, etc)

These are another two games that we overlooked in putting together the list. Maybe we need to add a third poll with a bunch of stuff we forgot to include in the first two lists.

Sketchpad August 26th, 2009 05:39 AM

No Spycraft 2.0, huh? :(

rob August 26th, 2009 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by Sketchpad (Post 32416)
No Spycraft 2.0, huh? :(

See the other thread for this exact question.

Tashtego August 26th, 2009 04:07 PM

I'd be interested in either Castles & Crusades (a d20, rules light variant) or Trail of Cthulhu, based on the GUMSHOE engine by Pelgrane Press. (This could also cover other GUMSHOE games such as 'The Esoterrorists or Mutant City Blues.)

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