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Kreger Bjorn January 24th, 2018 06:22 PM

Additional licenses?
I was wondering how many devices can be connected at a time with the standard license. Also, how much are additional licenses and are they available at this time?

Thanks in advance!

morpheusdreams January 25th, 2018 02:04 AM

I would love to share my system purchase with my players. Theres no way they'd shell out for the full system but if i could share the ability to create character sheets based on my system purchases and manage their sheets like in real life that'd be ideal and I could totally see them using it

wheredoigo January 25th, 2018 05:12 AM

The standard subscription allows only one connected device at a time. At least for now. There is supposed to be a way to increase that, but I do not know how to do so.

morpheusdreams January 25th, 2018 06:16 AM

as long as they do it with different logins that'd be fine. as i dont want to account share, i just want my players to have their character sheets

Joe January 25th, 2018 09:11 AM

As of right now:
  • Each separate account must purchase a separate license
  • Each account is limited to one concurrent device

I believe in the near future, we'll be launching an option in the store to enable additional concurrent devices for account (up to a max of ~5 I think). These are primarily intended for families, where spouses and/or children often share accounts for convenience.

It's possible that we have other unannounced plans for the future, but BJ will have to comment on that.

morpheusdreams January 25th, 2018 12:47 PM

So i can buy a copy of the book and share it with my party in real life but if i want my players to use HLO so they can do character management you aren't satisfied with additional subscription fees but you want them to stump up $35 and more each? Could we get confirmation that that is the plan?

Would the concurrent devices all have to use the same username / password? Can we have confirmation on the concurrency limit?

Toblakai January 25th, 2018 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by morpheusdreams (Post 262053)
So i can buy a copy of the book and share it with my party in real life but if i want my players to use HLO so they can do character management you aren't satisfied with additional subscription fees but you want them to stump up $35 and more each? Could we get confirmation that that is the plan?

Would the concurrent devices all have to use the same username / password? Can we have confirmation on the concurrency limit?

So multiple people can use the book at the same time?

HLO allows you to share your account with multiple people, just not at the same time. Just like a book.

Joe January 25th, 2018 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by morpheusdreams (Post 262053)
Would the concurrent devices all have to use the same username / password? Can we have confirmation on the concurrency limit?

Yes, concurrent devices on an account are tied to one account, with one username and one password only. Concurrent devices are primarily intended for 2 use cases:

1) Families (spouses/parents/children) who share accounts for convenience, parental supervision, etc.
2) Individual power users who want to dual (or triple) wield multiple devices (e.g. phone + laptop) simultaneously without being inconvenienced by being periodically logged off of any of them.

In both of these cases, sharing credentials is either a non-issue, or even preferred (e.g. parent and child). Concurrent devices are explicitly NOT intended for use among friends, especially since it would not be good practice to share any sort of credentials with them.

daplunk January 25th, 2018 10:24 PM

You guys should really create a way that both you and the customers are happy with to enable the GM to share with their table. GMs will quite often open their pockets to ensure their players are playing using the technology that the GM wants to use.

D&D Beyond have done really well in this regards with the ability to share books.

morpheusdreams January 26th, 2018 01:27 AM

No 6 people can't simultaneously use a book but they can pass that book round the table and note down their information on their character sheets very quickly, something you would not be able to do with HLO even with one device since you would have to swap in and out of character sheets. Saas should make things easier and more convenient not harder.

One username and password for multiple people, as you say same family is intended, is absolutely appalling security principles.

As a GM i would quite happily buy an additional CAL subscription only fee for the book to enable my players to build their character sheets from my "book" as they would do in
real life, it's a shame that Lone Wolf seem to just want to gouge people with their unfinished product. Glad I've requested a refund. Shame cos it looks good and could be really useful

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