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-   -   Suggestion > Tool for translate and generated data (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=9081)

Dreadaxe August 24th, 2009 01:47 PM

Suggestion > Tool for translate and generated data
Excuse for my bad english.

Maybe it's possible to create a easy tool for translate and generated data
I explain. The tool program make a column with all the text to translate (Profile, name, resume, ... and other native text) line by line...
A other column is for the translate word.

Example :
1 column with native language / 2 column with for example french translate
Profiles / Profils
Orc warriors / Guerriers Orques
Move / Mvt
Hand weapon / Arme à une main
Warband / Escorte
Army / Armée
Only one / Seulement un

When you save the translate you the possibility to generated translate data with translate note, language extension to the data name, author & contact of the translator, ...

When a new version of the native language is out, the tool program look what is possible to re-associated (Native/Translate).

rob August 26th, 2009 01:39 AM

You would probably need a table with one column for unique id, another for the name, and a third for the description text. Then you could process all the data files and swap in the appropriate new names/descriptions. Since unique ids don't change very often, you should have a pretty solid solution with this approach.

Dreadaxe August 26th, 2009 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by rob (Post 32410)
You would probably need a table with one column for unique id, another for the name, and a third for the description text. Then you could process all the data files and swap in the appropriate new names/descriptions. Since unique ids don't change very often, you should have a pretty solid solution with this approach.

So it's possible Wolflair develop a program like this.

rob August 26th, 2009 10:52 AM

Yes, we could develop something like that. But we have lots of other things on our todo list as well, so it will be awhile before we could do it. If you or another user wanted to do something yourself, it could probably be done much sooner.

Dreadaxe August 7th, 2010 05:30 PM

No news?

Colen August 12th, 2010 12:59 PM

We're working on Army Builder 3.3 right now, but we don't have any plans to add the translation functionality to this next release. Sorry :(

Dreadaxe February 3rd, 2011 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by – State Of The Wolf 2011 –
Looking forward to the coming year, we have another major enhancement planned for Army Builder, with V3.4 targeted for release sometime this spring. This new release will simplify the editing of data files for everyone – even the casual player. Our goal is to go well beyond just making it easier for existing data file authors to create Army Builder data files. We want to make it straightforward for regular users to create and edit their own content, too.

Maybe this sort of tool could be enter to the "simplify the editing of data files for everyone"

Colen February 7th, 2011 05:10 PM

We don't have our timeline for AB3.4 finalized yet - we'll make sure to consider this when we're deciding exactly what to include in the release. :)

Dreadaxe December 27th, 2013 08:17 AM


This tip of tool could be very important for promote AB to other country and other language than english.

Dreadaxe December 23rd, 2014 01:22 AM

Any news?

This type of tool could be very important for promote AB to other country and other language than english.

Simply the translation of data is important for communities.

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