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Majinine June 3rd, 2022 02:02 PM

Unable to Min/Max an attack
2 Attachment(s)
First of all, I really appreciate the feedback I've been getting on this forum. It's been very valuable.

I have a speedster with a slingshot attack. I want his attack to be +19 to hit with Damage 1. I can get the attack to +18 without issues, but the moment I raise the ranged attack to +19 I get the "Warnings Encountered" error.

This speeder's got a STR of 2 but I haven't created the power to be strength based. For the life of me, I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. A +19 ranged attack with Damage 1 should be within Power Level Limitations.

Any ideas appreciated. I've attached a few screen shots for reference.

Also, I can upload the entire character sheet, if that's helpful.

Duggan June 3rd, 2022 02:38 PM

Thrown objects would also be +19, with Strength Damaged 2. Why not use Accurate 9 so only that attack gets the bonus?

Majinine June 3rd, 2022 02:44 PM

The thing is, it's not a STR-based attack, so it should just be Damage 1 (leaving 19 ranks for the attack).

I'm going to look into Accurate though. Thanks!

Majinine June 3rd, 2022 02:52 PM

Accurate fixed the problem. Thanks!

Duggan June 3rd, 2022 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Majinine (Post 299198)
The thing is, it's not a STR-based attack, so it should just be Damage 1 (leaving 19 ranks for the attack).

I'm going to look into Accurate though. Thanks!

Does the Warning actually say it's that power? Because I think it is the thrown weapons that's the issue.

Majinine June 3rd, 2022 08:50 PM

It did say it was that power. When I built the power I'd added a bunch of ranks of Ranged Attack specifically for Slingshot. I think the ranks were also being applied to Throw for some reason. I thought that since I was adding the Ranged Attack Advantage to the specific power itself, it wouldn't influence any other attack, but switching to Accurate dropped my Throw way down (which is fine).

Duggan June 4th, 2022 02:43 AM

:-p Probably enough that the problem is solved. But, just for clarification, I was asking, when you click on the warning, does the dialogue that pops up say that the attack that is over caps is the Slingshot Attack? In that case, they do have a bug.

Unfortunately, this product is at a low level of support, and this game system is at a lower level. So, I always like to try the best that I can as a fan to do what I can to make things better.

Majinine June 4th, 2022 07:14 AM

Yeah, when I clicked on the warning it said it was the Slingshot attack that had the issue. I think that even though the Ranged Attack Advantage was only supposed to be applied to the Slingshot attack, it somehow affected the Throw attack (making Throw too high), and Hero Lab got confused. I can see how it's a bug. I think generally the Ranged Attack Advantage applies to all Ranged Attacks (but I'm not sure).

Duggan June 4th, 2022 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by Majinine (Post 299210)
Yeah, when I clicked on the warning it said it was the Slingshot attack that had the issue. I think that even though the Ranged Attack Advantage was only supposed to be applied to the Slingshot attack, it somehow affected the Throw attack (making Throw too high), and Hero Lab got confused. I can see how it's a bug. I think generally the Ranged Attack Advantage applies to all Ranged Attacks (but I'm not sure).

Correct. And, in fact, it's possible to have powers that add such advantages to a subset, or all attacks.

Majinine June 4th, 2022 10:29 AM

So in this case the Ranged Attack Advantage was applied to a subset (a specific Power) but influenced all ranged attacks instead... hence it being a bug?

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