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Kendall-DM March 16th, 2019 10:06 AM

Skill Points Error
Was able to duplicate this in my user files as well as in the base d20 files. Not sure if this is cross-system or not, so I'm putting here in the d20 area.

Load a hero with no warnings that has all its skill points assigned. Add a Craft skill (or other additional skill, such as Knowledge), then remove that skill from the list. The display will now suddenly indicate that there are a lot more skill points to spend, when it is not the case.

1. Before adding a skill (d20 default Barbarian).

2. After adding Craft (alchemy).

3. After removing Craft (alchemy).

ShadowChemosh March 16th, 2019 09:18 PM

Here is something to try. When you see this error happen go to "Develop->Trigger Full Evaluation Immediately" and see if the issue gets fixed. If it does than the issue exists in the binary and we will have to report this to Dave M.

If not then the issue may exist in the data files...

Kendall-DM March 16th, 2019 10:13 PM

Did what you said, issue gets fixed, so it must be the binaries. I seem to have a knack for finding errors in HL. Thanks!

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