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evildmguy March 27th, 2013 07:00 AM

Working on the 1.0 release

As excited as I am about the .9 release, I'm also jumping in for the next one! I don't know whether this will be a "true" 1.0 release in that I don't know how much will have really changed. Basically, if I had an option of build as well as major and minor release, I would hold it at .9.XX! So, I'm not sure how big it will be, in terms of things I have implemented, but it may surprise me!

One of the things I am thinking about is how to do add ons. At first, I was thinking that the PH would be the "core" set of rules and everything else would be some sort of add on or configuration option. However, now I'm not so sure. First, the PH is partially the Star*Drive setting due to the species it has in it as well as the skills that are obviously for the S*D setting. Second, Mindwalker expands on what is in the PH but not by a huge amount. And dataware adds some rules for AI and robots but not sure how different those really are from a base character. Third, the various Arms and Equipment guides are just that, extra equipment for the most part. Limit yourself by PL and you might not know those are out there! Finally, it's not like we got a new version of the system, so most of the supplements don't change the base rules or add new things. They seem to expand on what was talked about briefly (FX) in the core rules or add some clarification but nothing really new.

All of that is my way of saying that I'm thinking I might just include everything from the printed books in the base and let PL define what is seen or not, same as now. But I'm not completely set on this and it could change. If anyone wants to convince me of a way to go, go for it! I would love to hear it!

On a more practical side, and part of the reason this came up, is that I'm looking at doing Beyond Science, or the FX powers, as well as the Adept Profession. I'm not sure if something like that can be done all from the editor or not? I also need FX for my Dark*Matter game, so that's why I'm going in this direction. If I can get FX implemented, I can hopefully get my players using it and hopefully get more feedback.

That's where I'm at and what I'm doing at the moment.


Mathias March 27th, 2013 10:11 AM

You can always go from your current 0.09 release to the 0.10 release, instead of 1.0 - this isn't a decimal system - the dot just separates major version number from minor version number.

evildmguy April 3rd, 2013 09:21 AM

Okay, working on a lot of little things. Got some good updates in there.

I'm always on the lookout for more! So please report anything that anyone finds to me!



evildmguy April 19th, 2013 07:24 AM

Update: Stalled a bit due to a gaming weekend and sickness.

I do have updates for this next release. Maybe not as many as I wanted at this point but there will be something.

However, I'm looking for ideas or directions on what people want. Plus, please let me know of any errors you find in the errors thread! I can't test this near as much as I would like to! I'm hoping to get my weekly group on it in the next two months to give me some feedback but that will take time as well.

In fact, any feedback would be awesome for me!



jbearwillis April 19th, 2013 09:26 AM

I would like a way to enter Gamma World through the editor if your not able to put it in yourself. a more fully operational editor would be nice. Gamma World and Tangents is what my gaming group plays most of the time. So a fully operational editor would be nice. Just my wish list. What you have done so far is great. Keep up the great work.


evildmguy April 21st, 2013 02:08 PM

Well, then, you will be happy. I have updated the editor a lot. It still needs work but a lot can be done in it. If you have editor experience, then you will have an idea of how to do this and it will be pretty straightforward. If not, it might take some work to figure it out and make it do what you want it to do.

I have some little things figured out as well. Always more to do! But I keep plugging away. A gaming weekend and sickness slowed me down for this update but I still have time to get more done!

Thanks! And let me know if you think of anything else!


jbearwillis April 21st, 2013 03:17 PM

Yes I have some experience with the editor and have had a lot of help figuring things out. I have worked on helping get a data set in pathfinder for the Forgotten Realms and just released the High-Space data file for Savage worlds. I'm no expert with the editor but I can get things done. If I figure out anything else I will surely let you know. Thanks.

evildmguy April 24th, 2013 08:23 AM

Okay, what parts of GW, since you probably know it better than me, differ from the core? Or is it just more mutations and some different or reduced skills?

I guess I'm looking to see how it's going to be used to make it useful for people.



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