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-   -   Any news about future products (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=66711)

Acenoid January 24th, 2022 10:07 AM

Any news about future products
Hi there!

still on realm works - and probably staying there for the foreseeable future - since so much data was entered.

I wanted to know, what LWD plans for the future? Will RW be sold / open source / re-used? Any plans at all? What new products for GMs / players are there on the table?

Any further quality of life patches? :)

Have a good week everyone!

Lexin January 24th, 2022 11:42 AM

I'd like to know this, too. I've not found anything else which comes close to RW for game planning.

Farling January 26th, 2022 01:47 PM

The most recent plans were most likely mentioned in the thread at https://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=64732

daplunk January 26th, 2022 08:01 PM

Haha I was rather angry there wasn't I.
I really wish things hadn't gone the way it did.
I tell you what though... how green is the grass on the other side.

Lexin January 28th, 2022 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by Farling (Post 298085)
The most recent plans were most likely mentioned in the thread at https://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=64732

I can't get to that thread - how can I find it?

Farling January 28th, 2022 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Lexin (Post 298111)
I can't get to that thread - how can I find it?

It is the thread with the title "Realm Works Users' Vent in the HLO Forum"

Exmortis February 7th, 2022 02:55 AM


Originally Posted by Farling (Post 298123)
It is the thread with the title "Realm Works Users' Vent in the HLO Forum"

It is a pointless thread if you are looking for any kind of Realm Works info, other than to expect nothing. But worry not, we should be due for our twice a decade post from Rob.:rolleyes: When he remembers we are here and actually takes the time.

Valyar February 7th, 2022 11:00 PM

I still use Realm Works...

Lexin February 10th, 2022 04:39 AM


Originally Posted by Valyar (Post 298245)
I still use Realm Works...

I do, too. I've not yet found anything as good.

Raistlindantilus April 10th, 2022 03:43 PM

Some of us are still really pissed
I've tried a few of the alternatives. I tried Fantasia Archive, YAARPS or whatever, scouted Campfire, actually went all in on Foundry VTT (and may use in a future campaign)....but even with the importer by Farling (thanks anyway for trying man, you rock) it just made a big mess of my realm.

Some of us went all in with years and years of work into RealmWorks because believed in LWD. Because we saw the potential and the vision and believed in it.

And now we're stuck with an increasingly broken program that contains years of hard work flushed down the drain. What did we get for believing in LWD? Well, not much. And I know everyone is pissed about it and it's a big deal that theres no as yet discovered way to make RW a financially profitable venture, but to those of us stuck holding the short end of the straw we don't care that much.

Fix it, or sell it to someone who will, if you ever want respect or allegiance from a fan base again you can't sell a false bait to the DMs/GMs who make these games possible then just piss on them at the end of the day. Not cool, not happy, not to piss back on you but for the love of the gods someone has to fix this. Even if it isn't the creators...

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