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BlueDagger October 28th, 2010 11:21 AM

Space Marines - Errors
Please post any bugs/typos/errors for Space Marines
3.2 Fixes
- Cost fix for sword/firestorm/cobra
- Removed redundant sidecar escort additions

Spellscape April 20th, 2012 09:32 AM

How to add Master of the Fleet’s ship Terminator boarding party for +50 ?

Is it Bug or I'm wrong?

Spellscape April 20th, 2012 09:57 AM

also in rules : 0-1 Master of the Fleet You may include 1 Master of the Fleet. If yourfleet includes any battle barges, he must beassigned to a battle barge in preference to astrike cruiser. If the fleet is worth over 750points, the Master of the Fleet must be includedto lead it. )
So I MUST have it if I have army of 751 and more. But AB posts error - on validation if army is up to 750 saying that I don't have Master of the Fleet

Also there are no 0-1 restriction for it - I can take it for all ships

Chinchilla June 10th, 2012 06:25 PM

seditio opprimere is missing from the game files :/

Panthr0s April 21st, 2013 05:06 PM

I created a Venerable Battlebarge and a Battlebarge, added Master of the Fleet and I do not see the Terminator boarding party.

I am assuming this should be under the Master of the Fleet where you select the re-rolls.

In the 2010 Compendium it says, In addition, the Master of the Fleet’s ship may carry a Terminator boarding party for +50 points.


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