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meek75 July 5th, 2014 07:35 AM

OK, so there is the new "Sources" category and I'm not sure how it's intended to be used. I created some tags to contain sources. That way I can enter a feat and include a tag for the source of the feat. I am working on a Star Wars Saga game and use those tags to denote the original sources for various feats, talents, items, ect . . But this category isn't for that sort of thing. I could create a source, say "Dawn of Defiance" adventure path, and then have all the story lines contained inside it. That will move all the game info from the "Events" Category to the "Sources" Category" , but other than that I'm not sure what I gain. I like the synopsis articles, but I think I prefer the main story to be in "Events". The "Sources" in the mechanics almanac makes more sense, but if I enter a "Core Book" Source and then place everything in it from that book, I'll be moving all the feats, skills, ect. to the sources topic. That will leave everything else nearly empty and the "Sources" packed. It also means the various feats, skills, ect. will be located in different places. I think I like using a sources tag better. So, am I missing the intended use or is it just that my preferences are different on this?

AEIOU July 5th, 2014 08:20 AM

I'm unclear as well and would love some concrete example of how to use. It appears to be primarily for sharing commercial content and for author's notes but I'm really not sure.

I'm not sure why it needs to be pinned to the top although being able to reorder the main categories is a good idea as I'd like to be able to put Events at the top and Sources at the bottom.

Story Source cannot be hidden? Why isn't it in the Category list?

rob July 5th, 2014 09:55 AM

The purpose of the Source categories/groupings is primarily for sharing content. It is NOT intended that you move all sorts of material underneath it. Our concept is that you'll have only GM Synopsis and Player Synopsis topics in there if you aren't sharing material. And some users won't even be leveraging those, resulting in an empty grouping.

They are at the top because the concept is that they will serve as the launching point for the material in each source. The table of contents of a book goes at the start of the book, so the source topics go at the top in Realm Works. Once content starts coming out, it will hopefully all make lots of sense to everyone. We're working hard on getting that content created, which is why changes like this are percolating out in advance of the content being released.

The reason that the Source categories aren't in the Manage Categories list is that they are non-modifiable. In hindsight, we should allow them to be hidden but otherwise not be changeable. That will require some special handling, though.

The approach outlined above with using tags for sources is EXACTLY CORRECT. Please continue doing that. :)

I have to run. I'm at PaizoCon right now and have a seminar in a couple hours, so I need to get back to those responsibilities. Further info will probably not be forthcoming until I get back to the office this week, so hang tight on making any changes to your content if this isn't clear.

MaxSupernova July 5th, 2014 10:18 AM

Click the hammer-and-wrench in the search box on top of the Category List.

Choose "Empty Group Visibility"

Choose "Hide Always".

The group disappears (if you don't have anything in it).

The setting is remembered per almanac, so you can have it appear in the World Almanac and not in the Story Almanac, or vice versa.

meek75 July 6th, 2014 04:33 AM

Thanks for the reply Rob. I'm still not really clear on the intent, but it sounds like I'm not missing anything either. I am good with just waiting until LW puts out some content and I can see RW in action.

Bidmaron July 7th, 2014 07:22 PM

I already had created a Sources category in the Articles. I had put several sections and snippets. I had recorded author(s), summary (the back cover text), line (i.e. Chronicles, Rules, Modules, Adventure Path), type (rules, information, adventure), publisher, volume #(if part of a series), etc.

Any chance on getting this stuff added if you are not going to let us modify it?

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