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Hykim January 2nd, 2021 05:12 AM

PF1E future purchases
I have successfully migrated my PF 1ed purchases and things are going reasonably well in HLO. My question is what happens when I purchase new PF 1ed content for Hero Lab? Will that appear in both HLO or HLC or will it only appear in one of them?

I'm asking since from the store page it looks like I have the option to purchase the same PF 1ed content under either Hero Lab Online -> Pathfinder 1st Edition or under Hero Lab Classic.

I'm hoping that purchases on either page will credit the purchase to both Hero Lab Online or Hero Lab Classic, but I would like confirmation of that.


Ryan F January 2nd, 2021 07:39 AM

Since you have successfully migrated you should find that all purchases for the PF 1st Ed material are unlocked in both Hero Lab Classic as well as in Hero Lab Online. As before, any user will still be needing to Reactivate the Classic Software to see the changes take hold but the purchase should always be mirrored regardless of what order you might have purchased things in.

ChrisRevocateur January 4th, 2021 04:54 AM

So, just to clarify: AFTER we transfer to Hero Lab Online, any data packs we continue to purchase will apply to both Classic and Online? I will be able to continue getting new packs for classic as well?

Ryan F January 5th, 2021 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by ChrisRevocateur (Post 292782)
So, just to clarify: AFTER we transfer to Hero Lab Online, any data packs we continue to purchase will apply to both Classic and Online? I will be able to continue getting new packs for classic as well?

That is correct. Purchases are mirrored in both Hero Lab Online and Hero Lab Classic wherever and whenever possible. It won't matter what order you buy the Content or Migration in, the idea is that if you own content for your Classic License and you own the Migration product you will also own it in Hero Lab Online.

There are some ongoing and evolving issues that relate to Adventure Path and Encounter Libraries that are something of an exception to this at this time but we are working to have these resolved via fixes and/or new systems to display that information in a meaningful and logical manner.

TCArknight January 5th, 2021 05:02 PM

Will we eventually see the individual pieces of the bundles available separately? I have several bundles where I might have 4/5th or 3/4ths of the bundle, and I'd prefer not to have to buy the entire bundle just to get that one piece that's missing...

ChrisRevocateur January 5th, 2021 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by TCArknight (Post 292851)
Will we eventually see the individual pieces of the bundles available separately? I have several bundles where I might have 4/5th or 3/4ths of the bundle, and I'd prefer not to have to buy the entire bundle just to get that one piece that's missing...

I would like to know this as well.

I suspect not, which means I'll probably never get Tome of Horrors 4, but since I have complete, the bestiaries, and the codices, I guess I have enough opponents for my players to last a lifetime.

lostsanityreturned January 9th, 2021 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by TCArknight (Post 292851)
Will we eventually see the individual pieces of the bundles available separately? I have several bundles where I might have 4/5th or 3/4ths of the bundle, and I'd prefer not to have to buy the entire bundle just to get that one piece that's missing...

Yeah, add me to this, I wish I had been given a "we are going to destroy the usability of our store" warning before it happened.

BJ January 15th, 2021 07:21 AM

We have added a feature that allows you to complete your bundle at a reduced rate. :)

Hykim January 15th, 2021 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by BJ (Post 293223)
We have added a feature that allows you to complete your bundle at a reduced rate. :)

Thank you!

Farling January 21st, 2021 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by ChrisRevocateur (Post 292782)
So, just to clarify: AFTER we transfer to Hero Lab Online, any data packs we continue to purchase will apply to both Classic and Online? I will be able to continue getting new packs for classic as well?

Note that you don't TRANSFER to HLO, you merely ENABLE PF1 in HLO as well as keeping it in HLC.

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