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Perverseness April 3rd, 2014 05:47 AM

Conditional modifier for subsection
I run mainly Modern stuff, mostly WoD20 based.

I love this program. The more I learn about it the more excited I am.

I am having to mod the structures fairly extensively as the base structures are a fit for fantasy. I have Added race snippets for Kindred, Lupine, Mage, Wraith, Changeling, & Mortal, and hidden the others. Is their a way to make a conditional subsections, so the snippets under race always default to the specific language used for that section of WoD? Would like Kindred to default to clan and sect, and Lupine to breed, auspice, and tribe.

Viral Platypus April 3rd, 2014 12:20 PM

I haven't seen a way to do it conditionally like that. There are two ways I can see to handle it.

The first would be to add in separate topic Categories for each, defining them with the snippets that you want: Individual: Kindred, Individual: Lupine, etc.

The second is to make it generic, add in the snippets for all of them into the sections you want, but un-check 'auto-add'. When you create an individual, add each specific snippet from the 'Add Snippet' Button ==> 'More ==> All Types for this category ==>'. Each Section can have specific snippets, based on 'race'.

Farling April 3rd, 2014 01:19 PM

One approach could be:

Start with a top-level topic category (Individual already exists). Set it with the generic snippets that are common to all races.

Then create a different topic category as a child of the Individual topic category, for each of the major races. Add the snippets which are specific to that particular major race.

rob April 3rd, 2014 06:59 PM

There is no way to establish conditional sections based on tags being assigned to topics. If you want different sections, then there are basically two ways of handling it.

The first option is as @ViralPlatypus suggested. Create separate categories for each distinct, supernatural template. So you'd have a Vampire category, a Werewolf category, etc. All the categories would share most of the same structure, but each would have its own unique section or two. You can easily duplicate categories, so doing this should be relatively straightforward.

The alternative approach would be to have a single category shared by all. @ViralPlatypus was on the right track, but I believe you'll need to have different sections for each supernatural template instead of separate snippets. At least, that's what you indicated in your original post and what I think may yield better results. This really depends on whether you only need a few snippets or truly want full sections for the unique details that pertain to the appropriate supernatural template.

For this one category, you would define sections unique to each supernatural template. So you might extend the Individual category to have sections for clan, sect, breed, auspice, tribe, etc. The trick is that you would designate all of these sections to NOT be auto-added when new topics are created. If you create a mortal topic, no new sections are needed. If you create a vampire topic, you could then click the Tools button for the Overview section, go to the Add Section sub-menu, go to the Below This One sub-menu, and then add the desired section. Once the section is added, you could fill it in as appropriate. If there are multiple sections to add, just repeat the process for each you need.

Both of the above methods are equally useful. It really depends on whether you'd prefer having lots of different, tailored categories or one category that you tailor based on the nature of the character.

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