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Sword_of_Spirit December 10th, 2020 07:02 PM

How to use the player version?
I've been using Realm Works as a GM for years. I always sort of had a plan for my players to start using it at some point so I could reveal info to them, but never gotten around to it.

It might not be the best time to be doing it now, but I am considering it.

My question is, how exactly does it work from the player end? I know how to reveal content to the players, but I understand it isn't instantly visible to them. When does it become visible?

What sorts of other things do they and I need to be aware of? If I'm going to try to sell them on it, I need to make sure we can get it running without a hitch.


Maidhc O Casain December 11th, 2020 09:14 AM

Any changes you make (and sync to the servers) will be effective for the players after they sync their copies of RW with the servers. So not the best thing to use for continuous updates during the game - it's definitely more for between sessions updating.

Sword_of_Spirit December 11th, 2020 10:36 PM

Hmm. Yeah, I don't think my players would be really interested in that without game time updates. I guess I'll just keep using the green buttons as my personal notes on what information the player characters have learned about the world.

Maidhc O Casain December 12th, 2020 11:27 AM

You could make it available to them if they want it, and just leave it up to them whether or not they use it.

Exmortis December 14th, 2020 05:32 AM

There is player view, an extra monitor and you can show it in real time, online just share the applications. Then you have real time reveal.

kbs666 December 14th, 2020 10:56 AM

I bought the pack of player edition licenses years back and I think one player ever even installed RW.

Most players don't spend all that much time thinking about the game outside of sessions and that time is usually spent thinking about their character.

One of the big advantages of RW is links and being able to follow links. But reveal state effects links so player edition can be a very sparse thing, depending on how much of your world is revealed. So even if a player is curious about the world they might find there isn't all that much to sink their teeth into.

This was one of the unfortunate things about Rob's illness and the long period where all development went into trying to connect to Paizo so the CM could start. Things like player journals, which would have tied into the rest of RW by links, would have hopefully stirred player interest in the campaign lore.

Dark Lord Galen December 15th, 2020 01:37 PM

As others have already stated Rob's illness (and need to control all) made the players addition dead on arrival. Like all things Lonewolf, it remains half baked and lost in unkept promises as LWD has moved on from it.
The only reason Herolab and Realmworks have survived so long is the lack of a viable alternative and truly dedicated community support.
my 2cp Worth:(

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