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-   -   Edit reveal datestamp (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=46870)

Dr_Automaton November 24th, 2013 07:18 AM

Edit reveal datestamp
The ideal situation maybe that a GM has everything entered into his copy of RW prior to a game and clicks the reveal icons flawlessly during play, but I know there will be any number of instances where some bit of information is revealed during my game that doesn't yet exist as a snippet (quite possibly because I or one of my players has just invented it on the spot) or I'm too into the game to remember to pull up the appropriate topic and click the orb -- and all of that is assuming that I remember to bring my laptop to the game in the first place! :o To effectively leverage the Game Session feature, it would be nice to be able to edit the reveal datestamp (presumably with something like a right-click in the Reveal History pane) so that the reveal can retroactively appear when filtering for the appropriate game session.

Zaphod Beebledoc November 24th, 2013 11:26 AM

Plus 1!

Dr_Automaton April 5th, 2014 05:00 AM

Now that RW is available for sale and the player client is just a couple of months away, I figured I'd risk bumping this to get input from new users and maybe draw comment from the dev team. Since one of my players was a KS backer and will want to use his copy of RW during the game, it sure would be nice if this feature could be made available when the player accounts go live.

Vargr April 6th, 2014 05:17 PM


I am absolutely for everything that means I can tweak information, settings and what-not.

This is one of those things that it would be nice to be able to tweak.

darloth April 9th, 2014 03:34 AM

I'd love this as well.

I often find myself with stuff I should have clicked reveal on in the session but didn't (or as the good doctor said, stuff I haven't even written yet) which I want to be associated with / revealed 'in' a game session, as that's when it actually happened.

Bluephoenix April 9th, 2014 10:54 AM

+1 here. it would also be good if it could apply that change to the game session log, but that probably has some other issues as well beyond a simple retroactive list modification.

Zaphod Beebledoc April 9th, 2014 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by darloth (Post 180216)
I'd love this as well.

I often find myself with stuff I should have clicked reveal on in the session but didn't (or as the good doctor said, stuff I haven't even written yet) which I want to be associated with / revealed 'in' a game session, as that's when it actually happened.

There might be some people who just update the Realm after the game...

rob April 14th, 2014 03:32 AM

Here's a trick you can use in the interim until this capability can be added. Just change the end date of the game session to encompass the date when you reveal the additional bits of content. Once you modify the end date, those newly revealed snippets now appear within the last game session. :)

Technically, the last game session could run all the way until the night before the next game session if you want. As long as the START time is accurate, the end date really doesn't matter all that much. And you can easily note the TRUE end date within the session notes if you want to track that detail.

weogarth April 27th, 2014 03:16 PM

+1 on this.

Rob's suggestion is pretty good too.

Zaphod Beebledoc November 22nd, 2014 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by rob (Post 180633)
Here's a trick you can use in the interim until this capability can be added. Just change the end date of the game session to encompass the date when you reveal the additional bits of content. Once you modify the end date, those newly revealed snippets now appear within the last game session. :)

Technically, the last game session could run all the way until the night before the next game session if you want. As long as the START time is accurate, the end date really doesn't matter all that much. And you can easily note the TRUE end date within the session notes if you want to track that detail.


If there is something that is made up mid session and there isn't time to update RW at the time, make a note of it and when you have added it after the session, add a custom tag snippet (change reveal timestamp?) to indicate as such. Then start a new session log, call it the same as the one you had it the game, but with *addendum* at the end, then reveal the items that would have been revealed at the time of play, *if* they had been created. Of course, once the ability to alter the reveal information is implemented, then the change reveal timestamp tag can be leveraged to change the reveal information.

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