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runnetib October 9th, 2022 03:10 PM

Still Missing Relic Gifts
I posted about this issue, and sent up a bug report about 10 months ago. I've recently sent up another bug report since it hasn't been fixed and no further replies were made to requests for updates on the forums or in multiple emails. No acknowledgment was made to my latest bug report either.

The rules for relics state that property runes can be used as relic gifts, and there's even a list table showing which ones are tied to which relic aspect, but there's not an option to add them. When trying to do so manually, the system throws errors.

Can we have an update to this regarding when property runes will be made available as relic gifts?

Daniel V October 10th, 2022 02:05 AM

Bugs get handled around other projects, such as new content and other improvements, and weighed against each other. Sometimes a bug will get handled quickly, sometimes it will take longer depending on the impact, and we cant really keep everyone updated on the status of their reports.

As for this particular matter, we've had a discussion about it recently and the language used with regards to whether they take up slots, and how we want to support them. Most bug work is currently on hold while we work on upcoming books, but it is on our list.

dacoobob October 11th, 2022 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Daniel V (Post 300130)
Most bug work is currently on hold while we work on upcoming books, but it is on our list.

New books always introduce new bugs, so LWD is only getting further behind if this is the strategy.

Daniel V October 12th, 2022 05:37 AM

Well we can't really say "Bugs exist, so we're not going to release this new book". You may have noticed the lists of bug fixes we've done lately, or that there's usually a release the week following new books where we handle any bugs that get reported, so I'm not really sure what your point is here. I've also been trying to keep a close watch on what bugs get logged in the weeks following a release, lest it be thought that the "week after" is it.

All I was saying was that we have finite ability on what we can handle at a given time, and currently we've got a number of projects we're pushing to get stuff done on for releases, so we don't have much towards non-critical/quick bugs atm. It's all juggling, sometimes we can focus heavily on bugs and other projects, sometimes we have to focus on new materials. This particular one has been discussed though, right before we got new book materials, so is on our radar for when next we swing into more involved bug reports.

dacoobob October 13th, 2022 09:55 AM

"New books are coming, so we're not going to fix bugs" isn't any better-- Paizo's publishing schedule ensures there are ALWAYS new books coming. Sounds like you guys are desperately understaffed.

Daniel V October 13th, 2022 11:28 PM

Well I tried to give some clarity, and your takeaway was a warping of my statements, so it is what it is.

runnetib October 16th, 2022 06:47 PM

Appreciate the update. Thanks!

Daniel V December 8th, 2022 03:06 PM

Alright, wrapping back to this now that we're through the big releases. The rules for these are *really* nebulous, on whether you want to allow runes and/or have them take slots or not. Even gifts are more guidelines on when and how many you gain it seems. After a fair bit of deliberation on various options, in order to leave it as open as possible for customization on what a GM using these wants to do, we've made the change so that relics no longer enforce their rune slots. Runes will still be taken in the normal table, and you can respect normal limits if you want, but there won't be error messages reported (relevant if you get a property rune as your 1st level gift for instance). We'd also considered limiting rune selections based on the table for the aspects, but with new runes being added and advancement being open to GM interpretation, we opted to just leave all runes available so any on-theme runes may be added.

This change should be in our next update.

runnetib December 10th, 2022 05:47 PM

Thank you for the update; it is much appreciated!

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