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-   -   Class kits missing? (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=66684)

Sanwah January 18th, 2022 12:15 AM

Class kits missing?
Hi all,

I have gone into Adventuring gear and the base class kits appear to be missing.

Any hints?

Daniel V January 18th, 2022 02:44 AM

Rather than having class kits always display in the gear list and take up space, since they're primarily only relevant during character creation they are hidden once XP has been added to your character via a journal entry. If you haven't added XP yet, they should be showing regardless of your starting level, but if this is not the case please let us know in a bug report.

dkmuldoon March 2nd, 2022 09:02 PM

Just want to chime in here and say that this is an obnoxious 'feature' for organized play folks, particularly those of us who GM a lot. I often build characters that already have some GM credit, meaning they already have XP by the time I'm building the character, and I just spent 20 minutes going in circles looking for these packs. There's nothing in the rules that prevents a player from buying an adventurer's pack at level 2, so you're now imposing a new game rule by doing this. Please consider reversing this, or at least giving us the option to 'unhide'.

dkmuldoon March 2nd, 2022 09:13 PM

Add to that the fact that in Pathfinder Society you're allowed to totally rebuild a character, including gear, after level 1, and you're likely to see a fair number of people that might want to buy one of these as they're leveling to 2.

Daniel V March 3rd, 2022 12:46 PM

I'll bring it up for consideration of options. The intent was that it would remove an unnecessary block of gear from the list post-character creation, but we'll review it to see if there might be a better approach to this. Thanks!

dkmuldoon March 3rd, 2022 01:38 PM

Thanks, I appreciate the response. I know HLO is very popular among Pathfinder Society players in my area, and there's definitely a fairly common Society use case for taking character-building type options after having several adventures under your belt (and thus several instances of XP being applied).

Sanwah March 27th, 2022 02:41 AM

Ironically, that was exactly what I was doing when I couldn't find them...redoing a character within level 1

dkmuldoon August 25th, 2022 12:43 PM

I just want to ping here and say that this continues to be a pain point for me. Tending to buy gear as the last step in creating a character, after building them up level by level, I have run into this multiple times over the last few months, as have other people at my tables, and it's aggravating every time.

Please reconsider this annoying 'feature'.

Ryan F August 25th, 2022 01:15 PM

Hey all,

I hear you loud and clear and I'm actually writing this up as a formal feature request so that the whole team has it in front of them as well as notifying the developers of the frustration caused by those being hidden after 1st level.

Now, I cannot guarantee movement on this or provide any kind of ETA on the subject since I'm not in a position to do that, but speaking only for myself, I also tend to build my own PCs one level at a time until they're where I need them to before fiddling with Coin or Equipment and the thrust of the point you're making most certainly rings true to me in the very least.

Thanks for the feedback everybody!

Daniel V August 31st, 2022 12:10 PM

Class kits are now available at all levels again

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