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-   -   End Times Rules to be Added? (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=50447)

Rychek August 24th, 2014 07:07 AM

End Times Rules to be Added?
Ed, do you plan to add the new End Times/Nagash rules to the datafile? Specifically the ability to set the rules to allow 50% Lords?

EdSteiner August 24th, 2014 08:49 AM

Well I will be however, I need a good scan of the book or somebody from my local gaming group to get it and let me reivew. But short answer is yes, it will be a rules selection like treachery and mercs was

Rychek August 24th, 2014 03:24 PM


EdSteiner August 29th, 2014 09:14 PM

Got a brief look at the book tonight.. going to cause some problems with intergrating TC/VC and the new matrix of 50% Lord, 50% Hero, at least 25% Core, 50% Special, 25% Rare. I can see some issues bc the exact text is this comp replace the standard regardless if your playing Nagash so all basic games become above listed comp. So do we set datafile reflect this or do we quantify it as a roster choice on how you want to play it. I hope to hear for forum users herr on their thoughts or any thoughts for that matter :)

Yobtar August 29th, 2014 11:36 PM

I would think it would be a rules subset that one would have to select when first creating an army. Maybe an option for game type or special rules. I think people will want to play without the end times settings if they so choose, of course this all may be moot when 9th ed rolls out next year. Maybe 9th will use end times settings as standard army allowances. We will have to wait and see.
Would it be possible to duplicate the 8th ed files into a new batch of files and call it 8th ed End times and then just set up the allowances that way instead of having to write new code for an army option? IE a new AB datafile download that you could download for end times games only?
3 more end times scenario books coming out before 9th ed will more than likely lead to alot of overhauling of the main 8th ed files. I would think it would be easier to tinker with a separate duplicate file system then to mess with what works.

EdSteiner August 30th, 2014 05:26 AM

I think that a special rule will do like how we add remove special characters. But the book is quite frank on this replace that regardless if you are playing the nasash options. So call it 8.5ed

lschantz August 30th, 2014 07:05 AM

End of Times
Are you going to be adjusting the rules and percentages to match the new books or is it going to be a option to select like the other books so that players that do not own the new stuff can still use the existing rules?

lschantz August 30th, 2014 07:09 AM

is there a way to have the new book listed as an option so that players that do not own the book will still be able to play with the existing rules?

EdSteiner August 30th, 2014 09:42 AM

The book is not the issue, The statement is more this however here is this new cool army 'Nagash' you can play. However system wide you have a new new comp ratio that replaces the brb. So using the new book's army is not required to have the new comp. Think if it as a FAQ that changes comp to this new type and superceeds the BRB like an FAQ would. So the hard core rules layers will go, no you have to use the updated version because it says replace "x" with "y".

Yobtar September 1st, 2014 07:56 AM

After having read the actual language regarding comp changes from the end times nagash book I think that the main lists should be at 50% lords, heroes and maybe (maybe) include the 25% lords, heroes as an option to enable when creating lists.
So weird that they release a rules update without an errata for people who havent or wont buy the nagash book.
Cause the intrawebz is hard ya know!

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