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-   -   Realm Works Bug Fix Beta Release (Build 255) (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=63509)

SteveT December 2nd, 2019 06:17 PM

Realm Works Bug Fix Beta Release (Build 255)
We have a new bug fix release of Realm Works available (build 255) to fix the import validation error people were encountering with export files exported with build 254 (specifically, "Encountered validation error for the import XML: The 'format_version' attribute is invalid - The value '4' is invalid").

We are releasing this as a beta release initially, so you may continue using build 254 if you prefer. However if you encountered this issue, please give the new build a try and verify that it resolves the issue.

Even if you didn't previously encounter the issue, we encourage you to install the new build as we'd like as many people as possible to do so in order to acquire more reputation for our new code signing certificate which I explain below.

Release Notes:
  • Fixed a specific validation error which prevented export files exported with build 254 from successfully importing.

PLEASE NOTE: We recently renewed our digital code signing certificate, and since this is the first public release to use the new certificate, it has not yet acquired enough reputation with anti-virus software such as Windows Defender or Avast to avoid being flagged as potentially harmful to your computer, even though it is perfectly safe. We need more people to install the software in order to acquire reputation for the certificate :) So from Windows Defender you may receive a message along the lines of "Windows Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting". If you click "Show Info" or "Show More" it should reveal a button labeled "Run anyway" that you can click to bypass the warning. Similarly, other anti-virus software might initially sandbox the installer or the new version of Realm Works itself. However, this is nothing to worry about. You can either let the sandboxing run its course or manually abort it and you should be able to install/use the new version of Realm Works afterwards.

NEW BETA BUILD: The new build can be downloaded from this link: https://www.wolflair.com/download/rw...55_install.exe

Note that in the unlikely event that you run into any new problems with the new build, you can safely revert to build 254. To do so just close Realm Works and run the installer for build 254 available here: https://www.wolflair.com/download/rw...54_install.exe

If you choose to revert to build 254 after installing 255, you will receive a warning message about the older version possibly not working with the newer database. However you can ignore this warning in this particular case as there are no changes to the database between these two versions, so it is safe to revert.

Valyar December 3rd, 2019 07:45 AM

Thank you very much for releasing a fix. I am very happy that we are not forgotten and some soul in the lair is working on RW even if on maintenance releases. Let’s hope the spring bring more to it. :)

Maidhc O Casain December 3rd, 2019 08:19 AM

Thanks for the bug fix!

Acenoid December 3rd, 2019 04:26 PM

great. +1

Little Paris December 4th, 2019 12:26 PM

Yeah! We can still have hope!

Janrith December 8th, 2019 10:03 AM

Did a Custom/Partial export, then an import to another realm and hit an exception.

Went through the process of reporting the issue via the UI.

Janrith December 8th, 2019 10:33 AM

Not sure this is related to the new version -- doing more testing.

There used to be a way to drop the exception to a text file, but I don't seem to see that anymore. Am I missing something?

Alternatively, is there anyway to get more detailed error info? For example, if a topic is triggering the error, it would be very helpful to know which one it was.

I know it's doubtful to get new debugging instrumentation implemented, but I'm kind of pipe dreaming that a hidden switch would already be present...


Janrith December 9th, 2019 10:54 PM

Resolved... there were some odd artifacts in the realm I was trying to import into. Starting from a clean realm worked fine.

Take care


Valyar December 24th, 2019 11:42 PM

Do you plan to push this update officially and out of beta?

Raistlindantilus February 2nd, 2020 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by Valyar (Post 284644)
Do you plan to push this update officially and out of beta?

Same question I had

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