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gg at decisionsoft.com September 16th, 2002 05:55 AM

Updated files

I've been working on updating the Star Wars TCG files to include the
data from the Sith Rising expansion.

I have managed to update the data files to include the new cards. (minus
flavour text)
How can I package them up and make them available for general use (.cv
files) ?

Geoff Gibbs, Software Engineer
DecisionSoft Ltd. http://www.decisionsoft.com

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kuni_tetsu at yahoo.com September 16th, 2002 02:22 PM

Updated files
--- Geoff Gibbs <gg@decisionsoft.com> wrote:
> I have managed to update the data files to include the new cards. (minus
> flavour text)
> How can I package them up and make them available for general use (.cv
> files) ?

Bug Rob until he releases the author kit :)


Kuni Tetsu
Clan War rules guy
Moderator of ClanWar-l

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rob September 16th, 2002 04:35 PM

Updated files
For the moment, please send you data to the current author of the Star Wars
files. As Kuni Tetsu commented, I'm supposed to be releasing an Authoring
Kit that outlines exactly how to do that, but there just haven't been
enough hours in the day recently. The Kit will be polished up and released
as soon as the website overhaul is mostly finished.

Thanks, Rob

At 02:55 PM 9/16/2002 +0100, you wrote:
>I've been working on updating the Star Wars TCG files to include the
>data from the Sith Rising expansion.
>I have managed to update the data files to include the new cards. (minus
>flavour text)
>How can I package them up and make them available for general use (.cv
>files) ?

Rob Bowes (rob@wolflair.com) (559) 658-6995
Lone Wolf Development www.wolflair.com

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