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panzhuli November 21st, 2020 02:31 PM

+1 Weapon Creation
I'm very new to HLO and Pathfinder as well. My char found a +1 Longsword and I simply want to add it to my inventory. If I understand properly, +1 is the same as "masterwork" and is +1 to hit and +1 damage. First - is that correct? Second, I don't see any way to create these attributes in my custom weapon. Can someone help?


Dragnmoon November 21st, 2020 06:30 PM

Sounds like you are talking about Pathfinder 1st Edition which is Hero Labs Classic, This is the Pathfinder 2nd Edition forums for Hero Labs Online. For PF2 there is no Masterwork anymore and to upgrade a weapon you add Runes starting with a Weapon potency +1 Rune which adds +1 to hit, then a Striking rune which increases your damage die from 1 to 2 dice.

panzhuli November 21st, 2020 06:37 PM

OMG thank you so much! You're 1/2 right in that I have no idea what I'm talking about, but I am using HLO and Pathfinder 2e. I was incorrect in thinking the term was Masterwork, but what you shared with me is AMAZING ty!!

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