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BJ February 7th, 2017 09:30 AM

Realm Works Content Submission Guidelines
In case you missed it in our latest news post, the content submission guidelines are available now! These guidelines apply to both publishers and community content.

Have fun creating!

Merion February 7th, 2017 11:40 AM

Great news! I bet a lot of the creators here were waiting for this!

Quick question from someone who a) didn't toy with import/export yet and b) doesn't have the time right now for more than a quick glance at the guidelines:

Can small things like an item or a single NPC be submitted for the content market or does everything need to be at least a questline, fully fleshed out location or campaign?

Personally, I would rather get such small things from the market when I lack the time to prepare every detail before a session than having to buy big modules of which I probably only use small parts.

kbs666 February 7th, 2017 11:58 AM

The guidelines certainly envision single items. Not really sure if anyone will bother with single NPC's but I could see people doing inn's and tavern or other such.

BJ February 7th, 2017 04:54 PM

It's unlikely just one item would make it through the submission process unless it was an extremely spectacular item. You could absolutely design a product that has numerous items though.

daplunk February 7th, 2017 04:59 PM

We need a cheat sheet. A one-pager check-list.

EightBitz February 8th, 2017 01:39 PM

I'm not all that great at writing detailed adventures or campaigns. I can write a detailed backstory, detailed characters and places. But in terms of a play-by-play to get from point A to point B, I'm not all that great.

My adventures tend to be frameworks. Here's the backstory. Here's the entry point for the PCs. This is their end goal. This is the list of people, places and things, along with the information they can discover from each.

How you use everything to get from point A to point B is entirely up to how you, as a GM, choose to run the game and how your group, as players, interact with the people, places and things.

Is this the sort of thing that would fit within the submission guidelines? Or should submitted adventures be more scripted and polished?

daplunk February 9th, 2017 02:23 AM


All topics and articles in official content are expected to utilize the same, consistent set of underlying categories – those pre-defined within Realm Works. This is critically important to ensure that content from a diverse range of sources all weaves together seamlessly for users. In general, the specific category to be utilized for a purpose can be determined from the description of the various categories. For a more nuanced discussion of the subject, significantly more detail can be found in the “Realm Works Tips & Tricks” guide, which is installed with the product document.
If a category is not fit for purpose... is it acceptable to create a new one? How will an export / import handle that?

Farling February 9th, 2017 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by daplunk (Post 243743)
If a category is not fit for purpose... is it acceptable to create a new one? How will an export / import handle that?

If it is for official content, maybe having a word with LWD will allow them to either suggest the category, or add a new official category.

daplunk February 9th, 2017 10:46 AM

In terms of 3rd party content I think it's going to be quite common to find alternative category requirements. Due to OGL issues it's very common to not use official names for things. Now in the situation where content is being prepared for the market and that content is released under OGL we have to avoid using the original category right?

Currently my need is different. It's a supplement that adds new elements to the category and ideally I don't sent to create the tags manually for a large number of articles.

Farling February 9th, 2017 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by daplunk (Post 243772)
In terms of 3rd party content I think it's going to be quite common to find alternative category requirements. Due to OGL issues it's very common to not use official names for things. Now in the situation where content is being prepared for the market and that content is released under OGL we have to avoid using the original category right?

Or some nice person ensures that the official Paizo books have the OGL name as an alias of the same topic :-)

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