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rob September 30th, 2018 03:54 AM

Realm Works Progress Update
As we reach the end of September, I wanted to give everyone a brief update on the status of my ongoing health battles and how they are still impacting Realm Works. While some progress has been made, the truth is that I seriously over-estimated how quickly my health and efficiency would return once I began to improve.

This past week, I received a more grounded and accurate understanding of the recovery process from a different doctor. It turns out there are two lengthy recovery stages: the first is to get off the nasty meds and the second is for the body to get back to normal again (i.e. flushing the meds out of the system). The previous doctor made it sound like there was only one step, and I definitely began to feel better during the first stage when I posted my estimates for completion. So, I remained hopeful and didn’t question my recovery until the improvement stalled earlier this month. While I’m disappointed in myself and my recovery, I can’t do more than press forward.

That said, I am getting a modicum of work done these days. Progress on Realm Works is being made – just not nearly at the pace any of us were hoping for.

There are three main milestones immediately ahead of us. The first is to finish getting a number of issues and bugs resolved within Realm Works that impact the Content Market launch, which is my current focus and has turned out to be significantly more complicated than I anticipated. The second is to complete the missing content for KS backers and get that delivered – this step relies on the aforementioned issues being fixed. And the third is to get the Content Market itself launched.

In the interest of transparency, I’m going to start providing a brief progress update every week. It will most likely be posted on Mondays, as I usually get a fair chunk of work done over the weekends. This way, everyone will know where things stand as we continue working towards each of the milestones. As I need to dedicate as much time as possible to Realm Works, it’s unlikely I’ll be able to engage in lengthy conversations about these posts. Therefore, I will be posting the weekly updates to a locked thread, which will also make them easier to follow for those tuning in at later points in the process. You are, of course, welcome to start your own threads and converse about what’s being done. I just may not be able to participate in those conversations.

While it’s by no means the improved product you all deserve, the weekly progress updates will provide a clearer sense of what’s being worked on and how it’s progressing, allowing everyone to follow along as I accomplish what I can.

Thank you to everyone who has sent kind words about my health challenges and to those who have continued to support my efforts over the years, despite your understandable frustration.


Maidhc O Casain September 30th, 2018 04:28 AM

Thanks for this, Rob! That transparency is really what I've been wishing for.

Jujutsuka September 30th, 2018 06:59 AM

Why aren’t your other developers working on this?

Bidmaron September 30th, 2018 07:43 AM

Rob, thanks for the update. It is hard to do meaningful things, and I would hope that reasonable folks who get to see indications of progress will understand and let things evolve as necessary. If they don't... well, there is always the competition (good luck with that because I cannot even say what the competition really is [NBOS The Keep, maybe comes closest but still a universe away]).

Greebo September 30th, 2018 08:23 AM

Thanks, Rob.

Inspite and because of the setbacks, I wish you a speedy and full recovery!

meek75 September 30th, 2018 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Bidmaron (Post 271071)
I would hope that reasonable folks who get to see indications of progress will understand and let things evolve as necessary.

What indications of progress have we seen exactly? Last I heard the only problem was Piazo and RW was ready and waiting as soon as they delivered. Guess not.

dgagnon99 September 30th, 2018 09:44 AM


Thanks for the update. Appreciate the reality check. Wish you best of luck in your ongoing recovery.

Acenoid September 30th, 2018 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by Jujutsuka (Post 271069)
Why aren’t your other developers working on this?

This was answered, read the previous posts. And honestly, it cannot be more open and transparent than this unless you want to see the bills from the doctor, jesus, this makes me really angry, no matter what this company does, every time there is someone posting more questions.

Just accept those weekly updates now, its much more than before and I strongly believe that it is not the best for the company if the ceo / owner has to explain every business decision they are doing within public.

Whatever the reason might be, don't you think they would have thought of it, if it is possible?

Sorry, for sounding grumpy in this post, but it's always the same here :P *hugs*

Bidmaron September 30th, 2018 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by dgagnon99 (Post 271076)

Thanks for the update. Appreciate the reality check. Wish you best of luck in your ongoing recovery.

We don't have the update yet. When we do, you can judge for yourself whether you want to keep waiting. Periodic updates were all I ever wanted all along. If you look up my posts, you will see that I have asked for just a progress report on what has happened, and no dates need to be given.

jasonbarron September 30th, 2018 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by Bidmaron (Post 271071)
Rob, thanks for the update. It is hard to do meaningful things, and I would hope that reasonable folks who get to see indications of progress will understand and let things evolve as necessary. If they don't... well, there is always the competition (good luck with that because I cannot even say what the competition really is [NBOS The Keep, maybe comes closest but still a universe away]).

I had never even heard of that software up until now, but I had a quick peep and it looked just like Realm Works to me! At least from a scattering of screenshots on their website.

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