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Zimrathon April 9th, 2020 01:47 AM

Noob question re customised 'weapons'

Very new to HLO and would love Age of Ashes content to be available but as it isn't I'm having to create the content for those not appearing in the bestiary.

In Hellknight Hill there is a new creature called Hellcrown which has a ranged attacked called 'Nail' whose base damage is 1d4+2.

I've added a custom ranged attacked called Nail but for the life of me cannot get the +2 onto the 1d4 (either by using the table selection or specifically indicating 1 dice at d4).

I've used the 'Ranged Damage Bonus' field but that appears to do nothing.

Am I being dumb or simply missing something.


FluffyDingo April 12th, 2020 09:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)
No worries, it's really easy to overlook things, even when you've been at this for years! Just to confirm how you're doing this, I'm attaching a screenshot of my Custom Weapon Nail. It's giving me the expected values, but you may be handling it slightly differently. Let me know, and we'll get it sorted out!

magpi April 13th, 2020 07:42 AM

I have the Hellcrowns available in my vault, I don't remember what package they are from. Maybe player content for Age of Ashes?

FluffyDingo April 13th, 2020 11:47 AM

Hah, that's right, they are in the bestiary section of the first issue.

Zimrathon April 17th, 2020 06:33 AM

1 Attachment(s)
At least I'm not going mad, here is my version. Appears I've done exactly as you but the +2 doesn't appear on the damage, just the 1d4, the same happens with many Damage Bonus' I add to non custom weapons. Weird

Daniel V April 17th, 2020 08:08 AM

Curiouser and curiouser... Have you tried on a different character, or making a new character from scratch? Does any bonus appear if you use something other than +2? Just trying to cover bases to see if we can pin down what's causing this.

Zimrathon April 17th, 2020 09:43 AM

Will experiment and feed back, currently deep into a worldographer map that I need to do as much of as possible whilst motivated, lol

Zimrathon April 17th, 2020 10:20 AM

1 Attachment(s)
So I made the most basic simple fighter and created the custom ranged weapon as before, this time it doesn't even show the Damage Bonus option :confused:

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