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eponette November 5th, 2014 06:05 AM

keeping track of time

I played my first session using RW. Nice experience

My campaign started the 1st of march 800. I don't need special calendar. The player played the 2 first day of travel (with encounters, role play, ...).

At the end of the session, I was confused how to keep track of the time and when each event took really place.

Someone could help me on this?

Acenoid November 5th, 2014 03:14 PM

I create a bulk topic that contains a "what happened" summary? maybe this is enough... But I'm also waiting to hear good suggestions :P

Dark Lord Galen November 5th, 2014 04:14 PM

Under the "Reveal History " Tab would contain a list by date of all things revealed during that session... would that help?
Depending on how you define each tab you can get a list of all things revealed or just for a single session.
Also under "Begin Game Session" you can define not only actual calendar dates but game ones as well as name to define each session.

eponette November 6th, 2014 03:24 AM


I was trying to keep track of the time in the game, not IRL. And in a game session, many days can pass.

Someone else has an idea?

Dr_Automaton November 6th, 2014 05:00 AM

I find it helpful to create a game journal category with a topic for each session. In them I can add date snippets for each notable date in the session along with any important notes. Each topic will then appear in the Timeline list. There's supposed to be an actual journal feature coming some point down the road, but for now, this is a pretty good solution for me.

Another approach might be to use something like the Event category, but I tend to save those for important historical dates rather than everyday bookkeeping.

Dark Lord Galen November 6th, 2014 05:07 AM

Personally this is what a custom calendar would fit into.. "custom" doesn't have to imply unique names for months or days of the week, they could be simplistic as your need seems to suggest.
That aside, IRL (in real life?) not sure of the acronym here, so going to operate on that assumption.
As I stated above, the "begin game session" button on the tool bar offers the choice of not only Real World Dating (via your PC clock I presume) called Session Start and End but also In Game Calendar Dates. This allows you also to list notes with the date range.

I think our miscommunication is the difference between "in game" and "during game" so I will attempt to address both.

To expand further on Acenoid's suggestion you can create a Topic (as suggested) and customize tags to attach to elements placed within the topic. The tags could simply be labeled "Day 1, Day 2 Day 3, " etc. and attached to elements you reveal, items found, etc that you wish to group together.
Another approach could be to create a general article in Mechanics Reference called Event Day Tracker (or what ever you like) then customize the snippet to calendar date range. This type of snippet will allow you to label the entry and assign a date and some notes applicable to the date. It (like most snippets) also allows reveal so it is gathered overall elsewhere. (say for Players Edition review later).

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