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Bidmaron April 13th, 2014 02:04 PM

Alias Question
On p. 28 of the Worldbuilder's Guide section 2.7 "Alias Editing," it says:

Note: For secret identities of individuals it is recommended that these identities have their own topic
and not be an alias of the individual involved.
Since you can selectively reveal each alias, why would it say this? If you did do what it says, how would you tie the two topics together?

Viral Platypus April 13th, 2014 02:29 PM

Each identity might have its own back-story, history, and personality that is presented to the players. You'd want to keep them separate for that purpose. Then you can tie them together through a relationship that's unrevealed until you want the players to know about the link.

Bidmaron April 13th, 2014 02:31 PM

Thanks. Seems like an alternative is to add a section of snippets called "Secrets" or something so all the content on a person is in the same place, but I'll have to see how it works.

Silveras April 13th, 2014 04:44 PM

Each alias is just an alternate name for one topic. If both links lead to the same topic, the secret that they are the same entity is not going to be secret for long.

Consider... Clark Kent is a secret identity for Superman. If your players are not supposed to know that, clicking on a link for Clark Kent and getting the entry for Superman (or the reverse) would reveal that no matter how many snippets remain hidden. And if the players have learned a few facts about each identity.. seeing them both revealed in the same topic would also be a give-away.

However, if Superman and Clark Kent are two topics, then you can build your topics about each with just the information appropriate to the one identity.

I use a Peer relationship with the notation "is also" to link alternate identities.

Viral Platypus April 13th, 2014 06:42 PM

If the players know Clark Kent, they will learn lots of stuff about him over time.

If they know Superman they will learn lots of stuff about him over time.

If they are the same topic, when they view Superman they'll see that the Clark Kent stuff is also visible and know that they are one and the same.

It they are different topics, then they will keep them separate as individuals. You can set the relationship as you see fit. And eventually reveal the relationship when the players find out.

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