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-   -   Allow Manage Category more default options. (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=62210)

KiwiBlaze March 6th, 2019 02:11 AM

Allow Manage Category more default options.
I hope this makes sense to readers. And that other readers see the benefit of this as well.

I like seeing table indexes, and where to find those tables in a document, and have used this like, in my RW files. To help with this I created a duplicate Custom Category of General Article and have given it some predefined snippets as well.

Currently, I manually have to setup, a Snippet Tag, on a Text Snippet that will have the table entry itself, assign "Table of" to the prefix, and then the actual content.

For me, I would love to see a way to automatically assign Snippet Tags to a snippet while setting up the Topic or Article. As well as the idea of having predefined Prefixes and Sufixies at this stage as well.

Since I copy the table snippet to where I need, the snippet tag, of "Table" follows it into the new location, but having to set that up manually slows down data entry.

Just two cents on what would speed up time for me.

MNBlockHead March 6th, 2019 07:55 PM

Maybe I'm too tired, but I'm having trouble following you. Could you give a screen shot of your custom article category.

KiwiBlaze March 8th, 2019 08:12 PM

I dont see how that would help as its not a feature.

To try and comply with your request, I made a mock up of the suggestion. Please note four sections in which have been edited are boxed in yellow.


Farling March 8th, 2019 11:09 PM

This would, in part, require the feature asking to be able to link to individual snippets rather than just topics.

If you store each table in its own topic, then linking to snippets wouldn't be required.

I can see a general case for a snippet which contains a list of contents based on all topics which have a particular tag.

This could be instead be implemented as a STORY almanac being based on a TAG search (or other search), rather than manually adding topics to an almanac.

KiwiBlaze March 9th, 2019 10:04 PM

D&D 5e PHB Races: Elf pg 21-25


I create a new table Article, format the table to match my formating style, attach the Snippet Tag and update the Prefix.


Because formating tables is a bitch in Realm Works, I do it once, in the required article, copy the table Snippet to where it needs to go, update a Label Snippet (on the Table Category) to say where that was, and then continue. There's no linking to a snippet and I'm sorry for not making that clearer.


My suggestion, too restate it. The four yellow boxes in the image are:-
  1. Let Manage Categories, toggle auto Snippet Tags.
  2. Let Manage Cageories define what tags to apply.
  3. Let Manage Categories setup Prefix field automatically.
  4. Let Manage Categories setup Suffix field automatically.

Setting it up this way, lets me bypass setting up the "Table" tag on topics that need it (its copied from the snippet), means that the "Table" tag cannot be deleted [till the snippet that contains it is] and that if a topic has more than one table, indexes the number in the Tags Manager. It further lets me not have to paste the same Prefix text on all Categories, that will be merged back into the default topic at a later date.

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