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BobStumpp November 9th, 2018 06:12 PM

Xanathar's Question
Looking through Xanathar's Guide, I noticed that many Classes have specialty items associated with them for character development, such as the Wizard's Ambitions and Eccentricity, or the Warlock's Patron Attitudes, and Special Terms. Even some sub-classes have them such as the Sorcerer's Shadow Magic origin has the Shadow Quirks.

I have been looking but I can't seem to find any way to add these into Hero Lab. I think they would be a great addition, but I don't see any way to add them. Can it be done? Any ideas on how to do it? I am not great with the Hero Lab scripting language, but I have done some, and would be interested in giving it a shot, if I could figure out even where to begin.

- Bob

dungeonguru November 10th, 2018 11:05 AM

The only easy way to add these onto a character today would be to roll them manually and add them to your Background Details on the Personal tab.

Adding them as a feature on HL that would show up on a printout correctly would require some thought and research. Where should they appear, in backgrounds or as part of the subclass information?

One way to do it might be to simply add them in as bonds, traits, ideals or flaws that can be selected from any background, although you would probably want to put a script on them that made them a free choice basically.

BobStumpp November 10th, 2018 12:42 PM

Okay, seems reasonable, and just adding them to the background page as a manual roll and write will work. Just thought, it would be in the nice to have area....

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