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ChumSlinger July 14th, 2018 02:54 PM

HLO: "Starfinder Armory" content date?
Is there a time frame when the content from the new "Starfinder Armory" rule book will be added to Hero Lab Online?

Aaron July 17th, 2018 03:16 PM

We're concentrating most of our resources on getting PF2 ready for GenCon, so that book is unfortunately delayed. We'll try to get it released as soon as we can after returning from the convention.

flyteach July 22nd, 2018 01:43 PM

I was really hoping to see Starships and the Encounter builder sooner rather than later. It would seem like Starfinder support (published and selling) will take second place to Pathfinder 2E (testing and free).

vardeman July 22nd, 2018 10:10 PM

Pathfinder 2E, because... you know... starships...

Trester July 23rd, 2018 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by flyteach (Post 268369)
I was really hoping to see Starships and the Encounter builder sooner rather than later. It would seem like Starfinder support (published and selling) will take second place to Pathfinder 2E (testing and free).

Which is incredibly disappointing since what Hero Lab Online was touted as becoming may take forever to get to while they split their focus. I guess I am from the old school, get the job you said you were going to get done first, before adding more jobs to it. Starship Combat, party loot, etc was one of the big reasons I signed up for Hero Lab in the first place. Right now it feels like we are just spending money on a partial product.

vardeman July 23rd, 2018 03:22 PM

There's nothing that HLO can do, currently, that HLC can't do better. Give us Starfinder for HLC!

ShadowChemosh July 23rd, 2018 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Trester (Post 268398)
Which is incredibly disappointing since what Hero Lab Online was touted as becoming may take forever to get to while they split their focus. I guess I am from the old school, get the job you said you were going to get done first, before adding more jobs to it. Starship Combat, party loot, etc was one of the big reasons I signed up for Hero Lab in the first place. Right now it feels like we are just spending money on a partial product.

Its two totally different teams working on this stuff. The team that puts in a game like PF2 has NOTHING to do with the team building server framework for Starships (ie shared resources). Once the framework of shared resources is in HLO then the other team can build the ships for Starfinder or Kingdom rules for PF1.

Currently putting out PF2 playtest does not affect getting other features like shared resources, better performance or GM tools done.

flyteach July 23rd, 2018 06:14 PM

Shadow, understand, except that an Encounter builder would be part of the game resources, no? And even the starship builder doesn't have to be shared (at least in the beginning).

BTW, a good stress test begins in about 10 days. I'll be very interested to see how well HLO performs (in its present form) while at Gencon. Especially Saturday night during the special. Maybe LWD or Paizo should have some wifi available to support their customers. If the LTE gets overloaded, it'll be hard to not to blame HLO itself.

ShadowChemosh July 23rd, 2018 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by flyteach (Post 268418)
Shadow, understand, except that an Encounter builder would be part of the game resources, no?

Its mixed really but the main part would be out side of the game developers. In addition putting together .por files (which is what the encounter builder uses) could easily be passed off to a contractor to build. That is once everything is in place in HLO. Meaning it would not even need game developers time.


Originally Posted by flyteach (Post 268418)
And even the starship builder doesn't have to be shared (at least in the beginning).

True except its not good business to build something twice. If the game developers build ships now I would expect little to none of it to work with the new "shared resource" framework. This means ships have to be "re-built" again to work with the "shared resource" logic.

Not only does this mean double the hours LW has to invest but it would break ships people where using when New ships went live. This means even more time making sure the "old" ships work and the "new" ships work. And how long do you keep making "old" ships work? A month? 6 months? a Year?

I know it sucks to wait. I am in the same boat but I can't fault LW for wanting to build something once.

Toblakai July 23rd, 2018 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by vardeman (Post 268407)
There's nothing that HLO can do, currently, that HLC can't do better. Give us Starfinder for HLC!

Wow, I didn't know that HLC came out for Android and Chrome OS!

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