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jlong05 April 17th, 2012 06:26 AM

LotR SBG -Warbands
General Public Announcement.

I have uploaded the first public release of the new SBG files which now support warbands. There has been a lot of work put into this dataset, and I wanted to take a moment to thank my loyal beta testers for all their work. It has not gone unnoticed and was very much appreciated.

For players. Please note that I have stopped support of the old format. The final version was 1.91 and was not replaced by the new release. The old version was managed under the directory LOTR_EN. The new format has been moved to the directory LOTR_SBG. This was a decision made to prevent breaking existing saved rosters due to the new format.

Finally, old rosters developed under the LOTR_EN structure will not work with the new SBG format.

If you have any issues, questions or even identify any bugs, please post them here so I can respond to them here.


whitewolfmxc April 18th, 2012 04:52 PM

Bug report :

1) King champion for dwarfs doesnt have the option to add any warriors to his warband

2) When taking durin for dwarfs , the option for dwarf warriors upgrade to hearthguard is missing

3) dwarf balista doesnt have the uption of upgrading of one of its crew to a dwarf siege captain

Reviler1 April 18th, 2012 05:43 PM

Easterlings issue and thanks
First, thanks for the update.
Second, I tried to add an Easterling warrior with shield and pike and could not.
Just a heads up.

jlong05 April 19th, 2012 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by whitewolfmxc (Post 80650)
Bug report :

1) King champion for dwarfs doesnt have the option to add any warriors to his warband

2) When taking durin for dwarfs , the option for dwarf warriors upgrade to hearthguard is missing

3) dwarf balista doesnt have the uption of upgrading of one of its crew to a dwarf siege captain

Thanks for the feedback. Looks like 1 and 2 are bugs. I will have these worked on this weekend.

As for #3, that is actually working as intended. The rules for Siege Weapons is that if a Siege Weapon has an Engineer Captain(he must lead the warband). So there are actually 2 different Siege weapons for each type. One that is a 'hero option' that auto adds the Captain, and then as a warrior that can be added to an existing hero warband, but does not have an option for captain upgrade(since that would break them from the originating warband)

philipmairs April 19th, 2012 02:35 PM

Thanks for the new data files. It is good of you to do this work for us all to share.

jlong05 April 19th, 2012 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Reviler1 (Post 80652)
First, thanks for the update.
Second, I tried to add an Easterling warrior with shield and pike and could not.
Just a heads up.

Confirmed and Fixed. Thanks for the heads up on this bug.

Reviler1 April 20th, 2012 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by jlong05 (Post 80743)
Confirmed and Fixed. Thanks for the heads up on this bug.

You are welcome and once again thanks for the hard work and quick fix.

szirer April 21st, 2012 09:57 PM

The easterling pike costs now 1 point not 2 as it was :) thanks for the file :)

jlong05 April 24th, 2012 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by szirer (Post 80833)
The easterling pike costs now 1 point not 2 as it was :) thanks for the file :)

Fixed and file released.

Winkmog May 3rd, 2012 03:40 AM

Easterling warrior

Need to change back so you cannot take shield and pike together.
Page 46 of the rules in the One Ring book
If a warrior is armed with a two handed weapon or Pike it cannot carry a shield. It doesnt have enough hands.


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