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ich.pdf May 15th, 2016 10:10 AM

Create New Topic From ...
A great feature would be to be able to create a new topic (in this case a scene, quest or storyline) from a plotpoint that is automatically its associated content.

For a plot-driven approach this would be very convenient, although not super crucial. It would perfectly fit into the Realm Works "everything links together" philosophy, though.

Vargr May 15th, 2016 08:31 PM

If you write a text in a snippet in a scene, you can highlight a word or words and right click. Then choose Create New Custom Link for Selection. In the requester choose the appropriate plot under Plots.

Is this what you want to do?

ich.pdf May 16th, 2016 01:12 AM

No, I know that feature and the Quick Create :-)

What I mean is the other way around. You create and arrange plot points and after you're done, you right-click a plot point, choose "create new topic and associate", choose (e.g.) "scene" and the view changes to a new and empty scene topic that is named like your plot point and already associated to it. Then you could use the plot in the navigation pane and go into more detail in the scenes.

Again, not really crucial. It is possible to make a quick create and then associate the topic and change to it. It's just that I created a rather complex plot yesterday and than I ran into that "wall" that slowed me down a little. While having the very smooth content creating experience in Realm Works, it's just one "pipeline" that isn't there although it should be ^^

rob May 16th, 2016 03:57 AM

This has already been added internally. It will be included the forthcoming big release. :)

ich.pdf May 16th, 2016 04:14 AM

Yay..! Great, thx! :)

Vargr May 16th, 2016 09:08 AM

I see. Yep, would be useful.

Great - that was fast :-)

Joe May 16th, 2016 12:43 PM

I'm actually not sure what Rob is talking about for this "upcoming" feature. I'll have to talk with him!

But as for what's currently available, have you tried the following?

1) Create your plot diagram with plot points linked together (no associated topics yet)
2) Right click a plot point
3) Choose Associate Contents with Plot Point
4) In the window that appears, click the + button in the appropriate grouping to add a new topic. e.g. Events.
5) This will bring up the quick create window. Depending on how you have Realm Works configured, it might ask you to pick a category first or it might just give you the quick create window directly. By default, it asks which category in the Events family you want (e.g. Scene)
6) Enter a name. Optionally expand the "advanced" area of the window for more options to set things like container, tags, and alternate names
7) Click Create

So this should get you what you want without having to first use quick create to create the topic and THEN right click to associate now that it's been created. As a bonus, you are not limited to just topics with this approach, as you can make subplots this way as well.

I think the only difference between the workflow I outlined above and the one you requested are that instead of there directly being a menu option "Create and associate" you first have to click "Associate" and then one of the relevant + buttons. We could eliminate one click here by adding the menu option.

Parody May 16th, 2016 12:58 PM

FWIW: In 209, the (+) buttons bring up the (no longer) standard Create-in-Family window, not Quick Create. It's the same as if you'd clicked the same button in a Topic/Article view.

It doesn't change the fact that you can create a Topic/Article and Associate it in one step, though. :)

Joe May 16th, 2016 03:20 PM

I discussed with Rob. He had looked in the wrong place while tired and thought a feature was still pending that in reality has already been delivered. So the good news is there's nothing to wait for, because it's already "in".

Rob also pointed out to me that in addition to clicking the + buttons in that window, you can also use the tools menu to launch Quick Create directly (or use the Ctrl+Q shortcut) without leaving the Associate window. Just use whichever you find more natural I suppose.


Originally Posted by Parody (Post 229763)
FWIW: In 209, the (+) buttons bring up the (no longer) standard Create-in-Family window, not Quick Create. It's the same as if you'd clicked the same button in a Topic/Article view.

It doesn't change the fact that you can create a Topic/Article and Associate it in one step, though. :)

Sorry, I should have been more specific. It brings up the Create In Family window, and THEN the Quick create window.

ich.pdf May 17th, 2016 12:53 AM

thx Joe, I was indeed ignorant of that little + and did the Quick create solution instead.

However, as Realm Works seems to be meant to be the ultra smooth and accessible content creating experience, think about this work flow:

You design a plot and move it to the navigation pane. Then you hit a plot point and automatically create a new scene associated to it. Then you go in detail, jump to another plot point, creating the topic in an instant, work there, jump back, jump to another and so forth - without ever leaving the current view of plot -> navigation pane and respective scene -> content pane.

Please, first things first, this is a very minor request :) I just figured that it would be a nice way to ease things even more. I am totally ok with the current approach.

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