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daemon13 August 13th, 2018 03:53 AM

Realm export question
I am creating a World Almanac for D&D 5e, that I then want to import into new realms for each of my campaigns so I can simply bring over the topics I need from the world almanac to the story almanac. The problem I am having is that when I import a topic that only has a couple of the snippets filled in, it is not importing the empty snippets so that I can fill them in while in the new topic if I decide to. Is there a way to correct this? I import works great other than this.

daplunk August 13th, 2018 03:55 AM

This is how it works. Export files drop all empty snippets as part of the process. You can resync the topic but have to do it for each individual topic.

kbs666 August 13th, 2018 06:23 AM

To expand on what Josh said, as it may be hard for a new user to track down, when you want to edit one of these topics and want all the sections and snippets back press F7 which will bring up the Content Pane Options menu, also available the hammer and wrench icon at the top of the topic, and choose Quick Edit Content -> Synchronize the Structure to match the Category Definition.

daemon13 August 13th, 2018 01:04 PM

That is perfect, thank you

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