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Frankie the Formori May 1st, 2012 09:10 AM

Bug Reports - Version 2.10
With Bone Density my PC unarmed Attack should increase in DV according to SR4A pg 347.

I have Dwarf modified Strength 11, Used Bone Density level 4 seeing Damage Value 6P. Should be seeing 9P.

Also is there a way of having the option of applying the Black Market discount in PC creation. Our GM allows us to use it on Ware. No worries if not a possibility.

Thanks you for all the work on making this a kickass program.

Mathias May 1st, 2012 04:06 PM

Bug Reports - Version 2.10
(a bug reports thread for the 5/1/12 release)

Unfortunately, there are still some sections of the Shadowrun files we haven't completed yet. These are all coming as soon as we can get them accomplished. There's no need to repeat these items as bug reports.
  1. Combat
    • Apply wound modifiers to the appropriate tests.
  2. Magic
    • Astral Attributes, Perception, Projection and Combat (currently incomplete)
  3. Matrix & Technomancers
    • AR vs. VR vs. Hot-Sim VR (currently incomplete)
    • Active/Passive/Hidden mode
  4. Vehicles & Drones
    • Rigging & Jumping In (including full handling for cyborgs)
  5. NPCs & Critters
    • Grunt/Lieutenant NPC Mechanics
    • Group/Professional Rating
  6. Miscellaneous
    • Track what senses a character currently has active, and report that to the user in a single list. This will be a list of special senses that's shown when you move your mouse over the Perception dicepool at the top of the screen.
    • For the Condition Monitors on the In-Play tab, replace the numbers with boxes
    • Apply various "All Actions", "All Physical Actions", "All Matrix Actions" etc. bonuses/penalties, including wound penalties
    • Modify Contacts so that they can't be altered on the Social tab during Advancement mode, but are instead changed on the Advancement tab, to preserve a record of how your relationship with that contact changed.
  7. Augmentation
    • Biodrones (this requires the rules for critters to be finished first).
  8. Street Magic
    • The sample vessels on pg 87 (in terms of how they'll be handled in Hero Lab, the vessels are critter races that are possessed by the spirits, so this project requires the critter rules to be finished first).
  9. Runner's Companion
    • The Alternative Character Creation Chapter.
    • The Shapeshifter, AI, and Free Spirit sections of the Advanced Character Concepts chapter.

_Pax_ May 1st, 2012 05:31 PM

1 Attachment(s)
BUG: Infected attribute adjustments, and Racial Minimums

According to Runner's Companion (pp76-77, "Building an Infected Character", and p79, "Infected Attribute Modifier Table"), an attribute can never have a minimum of less than 1.

This is in line with the core rules, where a Troll's "-2 Agility" does not reduce the minimum Agility score to less than 1.

The cost for a score at it's racial minimum should always be 0BP - a Troll spends as many BP for an Agility of 1, as a Human does.

This should remain true for the Infected. However, when building a Human Ghoul, I noticed that the cost for a Charisma of 1 was 20BP. The program is incorrectly treating Infected modifiers as flat penalties/bonusses, rather than as adjustments to the race minimum/maximum.

To be perfectly clear: if I want to take an all-attributes-1 Human, and make him a ghoul - resulting in Body 5, Agility 1, Reaction 3, Strength 4, Charisma 1, Intuition 1, Logic 1, Willpower 3, Edge 2, Maic 1 - the program should be reporting that I have only spent 35BP.

Presently, it reports Ihave spent 65BP ... because it is incorrectly assessing a cost of 20BP for Charisma 1, and 10BP for Logic 1.

In case it helps, example portfolio attached.

Canis May 3rd, 2012 07:41 AM

Cyberarm weapons
I have a character with two cyberarms, both arms have magnetic system and spurs in them. One is listed as main hand and one as off hand on the augment tab yet on the weapons tab I can't make any of the cyber implant weapons into 'off' in the dropdown for holding.

bmacvicar May 3rd, 2012 10:39 AM

Latent Dracomorphosis and it's consequences...
The first issue is why does Latent Dracomorphosis show up as an error once you lock the character after creation? It tells me that I could be a drake at creation by taking the drake option instead of this... probably shouldn't be an error.

Also when you choose Latent Dracomorphosis it says that at some point in the future the GM could descide that this takes place... at that point any Karma you have available is the spent on the 120 point Karma requirement and any future Karma you gain is also applied to that 120 point requirement until it is paid off... can't seem to figure out how to do this in Hero labs...

Have a hero in game that this applies to... just putting his character into the system.

squeenabob May 3rd, 2012 03:13 PM

Incorrect use of Non-Cyberlimb Body Score for Armor Encumbrance
Hero Lab is incorrect in using the Meat Body score rather than the average Body score for armor encumbrance. Looking at SR4A page 343 let me post the relevant text here (emphasis added):

When a particular limb is used for a test (such as leading an attack
with your cyberarm), use the attribute for that limb (natural or cyber);
in any other case, take the average value of all limbs involved in the
task (round down).
If a task requires the careful coordination of sev-eral limbs, use the value of the weakest limb. The attributes of partial
limbs (including cyberhands and –feet) may be enhanced, but their
attributes only apply for tests directly involving those limbs (such as a
Strength Test when gripping something with an enhanced cyberhand).
Cyberlimbs cannot hold any bioware, nor any cyber-implants that take
up Essence rather than Capacity. Essence cost, Capacity, and other
stats can be found on the Cyberlimb table (below).

There is no case that checks “meat only”. If you believe that armor encumbrance is a task that requires careful coordination then it uses the lowest score of all limbs. This is possible and it would require that every armor be checked against what limbs are involved in wearing it. For example, an Armored Vest might only use the Torso, while a full suit of FFBA could use the entire body. However, this is a highly complicated interpretation and is not the way Hero Labs handles Armor Encumbrance.

I present that Armor encumbrance is “any other case”, and thus uses the average value of all limbs involved in the task (the task is wearing armor). You can clearly wear clothes (or armored clothes) on top of cyberlimbs. The evidence for this is on page 344, “Obvious Cyberlimbs: These implants are immediately recognizable as artificial limbs unless the character covers them with clothing.”

Since cyberlimbs can be involved in the task of wearing armor, the average value of all limbs involved should be used.

_Pax_ May 3rd, 2012 03:27 PM

Armor Encumbrance is not a test, squeenabob.

Canis May 3rd, 2012 03:59 PM

Wow have you ever misunderstood squeenabob. Armour encumberance is due to worn armour, as in it's on your body. Implants are inside your body so don't count towards encumberance. I've quoted the rules below, and added in the relevant unspoken information.


Originally Posted by SR4A pp.160
Armor and Encumbrance
If a character is wearing more than one piece of armor at a time, only the highest value (for either Ballistic or Impact) applies. Note that some armor items, like helmets, shields and implants, provide a modifier to the worn armor rating and so do not count as stacked armor.
Too much armor, however, can slow a character down. If either of a character’s armor ratings (without cumulative modifiers due to implants) exceeds his Body x 2, apply a –1 modifier to Agility and Reaction for every 2 points (or fraction thereof ) that his Body x 2 is exceeded. Note that this may affect Initiative as well. If a character is wearing multiple armor items, add their ratings together before comparing to Body.

squeenabob May 3rd, 2012 05:16 PM

_Pax_ Thank you for pointing out that it is not a test. That does help explain why Hero Lab uses the 'meat' Body stat.

Canis, I think you were confused on my point. I was not talking about stacking implants with external armor for encumbrance, but rather using the average Body stat for armor encumbrance. I apologize if I was unclear (especially since it appears I was also incorrect).

Thank you both for your time.

_Pax_ May 3rd, 2012 05:26 PM

That's not to say that using Averaged Body, for those with Cyberlimbs, isn't a potentially worthwhile houserule, mind you. :)

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