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atlarman July 19th, 2010 08:57 AM

Only a litte off topic...but im curios to know
Hi all-

Ok now I reealize this is sorta off topic here-in as much as it has 0 to do with HL,but it IS an M&M question- but I just have to know... If and when your GM has foregone PP per PL (unlimited pp at design- the only stipulation is PL limits must be observed and choices must be appropreate to a character concept)
When all was Completed whats the absolute HIGHEST PP total you've spent on a PL 10 character? before and after drawbacks?
If you wish you may give a breif description of the concept.

The one i wrapped up today had a pp total of 401 before drawbacks/397 after.

Breif concept: mutant/ex government mutant assasan- ala weapon X but with morph powers and mimic powers sipersenses on par w/ wolverine and in some cases surpassing those. blending capability etc. aside from mimic also has regenerative pwrs as well as offensive powers of wolverine and also gambits charge.
hero learns of his intended use as a spy/weapon against mutants and other superpowered beings rebels escapes and is on the run from the government alphabet soup.

Paladin1127 July 25th, 2010 06:00 PM

no offense, but your GM should be shot, with no PP limits you can have defenses for everything, the whole point of a limit in points is to give characters weaknesses, I mean even super man can only do so much, and with the description you gave, welcome to the world of you will never see me and I will find you and your dead, dosen't seem fun to me if you can use all those points

atlarman July 26th, 2010 08:46 AM

THERE ARE STILL POWER LEVEL LIMITS all that was removed was the hard point cap.... ie 150 pp @pl 10( btw he wanted to remove this limit when he just couldn't seem to make HIS CHARACTER concept work as well as he wanted at pl 10 but didnt want to raise the campain's PL.
If you can trust a player to come up with AND STICK to a well balanced concept....weaknessess can be hard wired in and just because one has endless pps doesnt mean one will take everything.
AS a side point- I dunno if you've realized this,but honestly,power points only real mechanical function is to essentially keep charater building on a even keel in a group of PLAYERS so that one or two dont unbalance a group. so IF YOU CAN KEEP TO A CLEAR CONCEPTand take only the aproprate choices for it, pp are largely unimportant aside from preventing mini/maxing of course. which addmitedly, can be a problem....so im not saying id want to allow this in every case.
If you really look at it...NIETHER NPCS nor minions or anything other then PCs are required to stay within point totals for their campagn aren't they now? Thus as i said, point total limits are mainly there to encorage an even character design among a GROUP OF PLAYERS .and little to do w/ game balance.
WHY SHOULD A GM BE SHOT for this choice if its a vaild option (ever read masterminds manual pal? lol) and if in a non group campaign no danger of upsetting other players?

atlarman July 26th, 2010 09:00 AM

sad to see no one seems to want to answer this one.... figured it couldve been an interesting thread. ah well.:p

Colen July 26th, 2010 09:42 AM

Atlarman, don't you find that if there's no PP limit, it encourages people to just add lots of alternate powers that they very rarely use? And isn't that what "power stunts" were designed to implement - spend a hero point to gain some effect that you don't have for a short time?

Paladin1127 July 26th, 2010 12:16 PM

I think I was misunderstood, I am not say you have to stick with the 150 points, just that there should be some limit, even superman doesn't exceed 300, I just think that the GM should put in a limit of points, but make that his choice

I have seen removal of the PL limit, but I feel there should alwasy be a pp limit

atlarman July 26th, 2010 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Colen (Post 41735)
Atlarman, don't you find that if there's no PP limit, it encourages people to just add lots of alternate powers that they very rarely use? And isn't that what "power stunts" were designed to implement - spend a hero point to gain some effect that you don't have for a short time?

Actually I havent seen over use from anyone as far as alt pwrs go (yet) but feats always threaten to become an issue.(when pp limit is removed.

atlarman July 26th, 2010 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Paladin1127 (Post 41750)
I think I was misunderstood, I am not say you have to stick with the 150 points, just that there should be some limit, even superman doesn't exceed 300, I just think that the GM should put in a limit of points, but make that his choice

I have seen removal of the PL limit, but I feel there should alwasy be a pp limit

You have a point paladin- and if i see that its getting too ridiculous I will impose a limit of some sort. the above example i gave was just me trying to build a character accordinding to a concept ive had and used in other games. (since MY gm was asking for some point leeway to build his character... i thought id try to build this chacter using the same set up and see how it turned out. upon finishing that character, i noticed the crazy pp total so i thought it might be an interesting topic to see what some other ppl's totals have been who've experimented with a similar rule.

Nigel Fogg The Wayfarer July 26th, 2010 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by atlarman (Post 41752)
You have a point paladin- and if i see that its getting too ridiculous I will impose a limit of some sort. the above example i gave was just me trying to build a character accordinding to a concept ive had and used in other games. (since MY gm was asking for some point leeway to build his character... i thought id try to build this chacter using the same set up and see how it turned out. upon finishing that character, i noticed the crazy pp total so i thought it might be an interesting topic to see what some other ppl's totals have been who've experimented with a similar rule.

Speaking only for myself....I'm still in a bit of shock, and pondering the idea of showing your original post to my current GM in order to see his head explode, over the idea of "sky's the limit" for Power Points. :eek:

I mean, sure, I've done a crazy "what if" character or two but never for an actual game where it was going to be allowed. lol My goodness what I could do with 400+ Power Points! :D

However, I must agree with the others. Unlimited Power Points does sort of permit & encourage every character to be a Swiss Army Knife of Powers & Abilities who can handle any situation solo. My mind boggles when I try to think of how I, or any GM, might be able to craft a scenario, let alone a campaign, that might be challenging & entertaining for folks.

Just my $0.02 worth.

Nigel Fogg, aka The Wayfarer.

atlarman July 26th, 2010 01:26 PM

All this feedback has been interesting.( I certainly dont want anyone's head to explode lol) but really ppl- wheres the self control ? just because ya COULD buy everything doesnt mean ya should (or have to. the point total above was the bare min in order to make the concept work as it was imagined.
Btw as i tried to make clear this character WILL be most often run solo....as will my gms charater that started this question.

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