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gautrau May 12th, 2023 12:33 PM

Character Complexity Rating Preventing Simple NPC Creation
What is character complexity and why is it preventing me from creating a simple level 8 warpriest. It says it is too complex... There is no customization, just a straight elven warpriest. Any help would be appreciated. I've never seen this before.

Ryan F May 12th, 2023 12:44 PM

Hey there,

Hmmm, very strange indeed. I'd like to ask you to send us a message to the support inbox address you'll find in my signature. While you're getting that setup I would like to also like to ask for help so we can take a look at the Character you're working on already.

You should be able to help us get a better idea of what is going on by using the Share with Support Character snapshot function to send us a copy of the Character where you found this issue. Locate the PC from the Character Select screen or folder where they're stored, click the ... button and you should find a panel that includes an option to Share with Support, select this and confirm the operation, please. Once that's done you should be given a Character ID, copy that, and include that information in the email and it will provide our team with a copy of them to look at.


gautrau May 12th, 2023 01:43 PM

Thank you! I have submitted a message to the support email with the character snapshot ID.

lschantz September 9th, 2023 09:23 PM

I have started getting this also and it a real pain in the butt, how can I shut this off so that it stops preventing me from playing my characters.

Daniel V September 10th, 2023 10:08 PM

Shoot us a bug report please, so we can take a look at the character in question and see where the issue might be. It shouldn't affect normal usage, so barring something like tons of extra feats/adjustments/minions, there might be something going amiss.

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