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salcor March 27th, 2019 02:27 PM

Other Publishers on the Content Market

I am happy to see the content market come to fruition. I completely understand the need to get things set up with Paizo. However, I was wondering if there is any word on what other publishers might be joining the Content Market. Personally I am interested in Pinnacle Entertainment Group for Savage Worlds. I have the Blood Drive trilogy through the Kickstarter and I like it. Will PEG and LWD be offering any future settings or plot point campaigns? How about others like Modiphius? I would love to see Genesys on there, but that is probably wishful thinking.


kbs666 March 27th, 2019 06:18 PM

You might want to lobby the publishers directly. LWD can't do much if the publishers aren't interested/aware.

Rone March 28th, 2019 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by kbs666 (Post 277421)
You might want to lobby the publishers directly. LWD can't do much if the publishers aren't interested/aware.

That's exactly what I was going to suggest to salcor. Clearly thou art a seer!

salcor March 28th, 2019 10:26 AM

Cool. I have posted a similar question on the PEG forum. Someone did ask what is the process for submitting content to LWD. Also are developers required to do a full purchase of RW?


Rone March 28th, 2019 02:10 PM

Those are items that need to be discussed with the administration of both companies. PEG should get in contact with our VP, BJ Hensley. Thanks for letting them know!

Darkechilde March 30th, 2019 11:54 AM

I'm not finding any guidelines or information allowing me, as a writer, to publish my own content. Am I missing something? Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Thalamus April 2nd, 2019 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by Darkechilde (Post 277527)
I'm not finding any guidelines or information allowing me, as a writer, to publish my own content. Am I missing something? Can anyone point me in the right direction?

This is the right question. The Link Realm Works Content Submission Guidelines is broken.

Rone April 2nd, 2019 04:53 AM

Added to the broken link repair list. Thanks!

Rone April 3rd, 2019 04:51 AM


Originally Posted by Darkechilde (Post 277527)
I'm not finding any guidelines or information allowing me, as a writer, to publish my own content. Am I missing something? Can anyone point me in the right direction?

At this time we are only accepting official content from our official publishing partners, but we will be sure to make an announcement when we know more about user content.

Murrdox April 3rd, 2019 09:46 AM

I'm veeeery excited about user content on the Content Market! I can't wait to see what kind of things the community can come up with when it comes to homebrew adventures!

I'm also hoping that certain publishers might give their blessings to players to create realms based on their publications, as long as we don't SELL them on the content market? That's probably a pipe dream though.

Edit - I've also gone ahead and put a post on the Modiphius Infinity 2D20 forum... because we need more publishers involved!! :) Who knows maybe they will notice and reach out.

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