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Mechanics Syncing


I like a option for Mechanics Syncing

for exempel i tag/select Background / Class and Race and all 3 i selected will be in Sync whit the other realms i have of D&D 5th (where the sync is active)

if I add Acolyte whit a dndbeyond link in realm A and logout click Sync.
Then sellect realm B hit sync.

I like to see the Acolyte whit the dndbeyond link in Real B and all whats in thet container of the Background.

sorry for the bad english hope you know what i meen.:D
A global mechanics realm would be incredible.

I agree, I often defer updating since there is not such an approach as this. There are many many times I spend updating the mechanics side that would be easier to sync without having to the entirety of the RW database.
What would be even better would be if every realm could derive from a base mechanics realm and a base story realm. This would allow GM's to not only only do their data entry once but to also still allow a GM to have campaigns that are slightly customized.
I still wish for a build-in automatic parent-child realm synch mechanism that happens completely automatically once set up - including the mechanics.

I know we have the CSV Import Tool (and thank the gods for that!), but still...
They gave that up in favor of the current import/export mechanism. Be careful what you wish for, I guess. :/
What would be even better would be if every realm could derive from a base mechanics realm and a base story realm. This would allow GM's to not only only do their data entry once but to also still allow a GM to have campaigns that are slightly customized.

Great Idea, that way it would be easiert to build system-neutral realms and connect them with the ruleset you're playing in.

My personal realm went from D6D 3.5 to Pathfinder, which luckily didn't many changes, but I someday we might want to switch to 5E oder PF2 and who knows what system we'll be playing in 10 years.
They gave that up in favor of the current import/export mechanism. Be careful what you wish for, I guess. :/

I suppose you are right.

I have never tried using the present import/export system.

It seems too cumbersome and doesn't really seem to be doing what I need. And handling data, exporting and importing should be what a computer does best - not something I feel I should spend my time on.
There have been a lot of really amazing ideas floated over the last few years. I'm hoping a universal mechanics realm could be doable, but I wouldn't recommend holding your breath.