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-   -   Awesome Generator... but I have a few questions. (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=11671)

Stroess November 8th, 2010 12:00 PM

Awesome Generator... but I have a few questions.

I'd like to start by saying how much I love this character generator. The ability to make subtle modifications to Races, Classes, and Items is fantastic, as is the Tactical Console.

I do have a few questions, though. I'm not sure if these are bugs, enhancements, or just that I couldn't find out how to do it.

1. Is there a way to add a bonus to a Weapon or Power's damage? I believe I found where to add it to the Attack roll, but not Damage.

2. It looks like there is a way to edit the names of items, but it always seems grayed out. Am I just missing something on how to enable the Right-Click menu item?

3. After selecting a Custom Item, is there a way to assign a Weight to it?

4. Finally, it looks like the costs of Magical Ammunition are off. This is probably a bug, but I figured I'd list it here with the rest of my questions.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!


SAbel November 9th, 2010 08:16 PM

1. Under personal tab at the bottum, but it only adds to the attack value.
2. I do not think that you can change it in the character, it would have an effect on the character itself (not being able to find the item and what it is, for calculating results ect) but you could go under the tools tab and use the editor and add content by modifing existing items. you could change the short swords name to wakizashi and then you would have both items open for use in your character progam.
3. I do not think so but that is a good idea.
4. you can set the cost for items when you buy them, this way it is easy for home/custom games to set price.
happy gaming & hope this helps.

Stroess November 10th, 2010 07:49 AM

Thanks SAbel,

This Generator is so customizable, I've already created Adjustments that allow me to add to a specific weapon's damage or a specific power's damage. I was also able to create a tracker for Temporary Hit Points.

There are just a few more things I'm working on, and I'm confident I'll be able to get everything looking exactly like I want.

If anyone wants any of the above changes, let me know and I'll see if I can post my custom .USER files.


Colen November 10th, 2010 11:57 AM

2. When you say you want to "edit the names of items", what exactly are you trying to do? Do you simply want to rename your "Magic Longsword +1" to something more impressive, or is it something else you're interested in?

3. Not currently - I'll add this to the to-do list. Until then, you can create custom gear with any weight you like in the editor.

4. Magic ammunition is currently using the standard item prices; I can't find anything in the PHB about how much they cost. Where can I find the rules for them so I can take a look at this?

Hope this helps!

cryptoknight November 10th, 2010 12:31 PM

Adventurer's Vault has the prices for most of the magical ammunition.

It runs at a lower price list than a normal magical item because it's expendable.

Deathdealer November 10th, 2010 02:19 PM

The only regret I've ever had about 4E (PRE-Essentials, that is... don't even get me started on Essentials) is the lack of monster templates for creating unique monster NPC's from characters the DM makes.

(IMHO, that's the only flaw in separating the monster statistics so far/divergently from PC game mechanics. Makes it a bit difficult for programs like Hero Lab to generate adequately.)

My DM mentioned she was having problems trying to figure out the stats for a Bard/Lich she thought up based on Iron Maiden's mascot Eddie (Edward T. Harris). The closest I can come up with is to build a Revenant Bard.
Any ideas?

Stroess November 10th, 2010 04:46 PM


2. I'm looking for a way to change the name to something more impressive. For example, changing a Magic Longsword +1 to Shadowsword +1. Something like that. It's nothing too critical.

3. This was just something I was curious about. I wasn't sure if I was missing anything.

4. This is probably a fraction of the full price which would be applied to the base cost. I'll let you know if I figure out an easy way to do it. (I've been looking through the .DAT files and learning a lot.)



Colen November 15th, 2010 04:41 PM

I'll see if I can add a way to rename magic weapons and armor. For the prices, I assume I'll have to add a separate table to look up prices of magic ammunition, since it seems to be different from regular items.

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